Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
A randomized comparison of intravenous amrinone versus dobutamine in older patients with decompensated congestive heart failure.
To compare the hemodynamic effects of amrinone and dobutamine in patients 75 years of age or older who have severe congestive heart failure requiring invasive hemodynamic monitoring and inotropic support. ⋯ Both amrinone and dobutamine are efficacious in improving hemodynamics in older patients with severe congestive heart failure caused by left ventricular contractile dysfunction. Despite the effect of aging on beta-adrenergic responsiveness, dobutamine is at least as effective as amrinone but may be associated with a higher incidence of arrhythmic side effects.
To identify presenting characteristics of older patients with subdural hematoma who are unlikely to survive hospitalization. ⋯ Among older patients with subdural hematoma, level of consciousness, extreme old age, duration of the hematoma, and nature of the intervention were significantly associated with hospital mortality. These factors should help physicians in clinical decision making and formulation of advance directives for geriatric patients with subdural hematoma.
To determine life satisfaction and its association with physical, functional, socioeconomic, psychological, and social support characteristics in Hong Kong Chinese aged 70 years and older. ⋯ In older Chinese, social factors such as the support provided by family members, as well as adequate income to meet living expenses, play a role equal to that of physical factors in contributing to life satisfaction.
To determine factors associated with success or failure of oral antibiotic treatment for nursing home-acquired pneumonia (NHAP). ⋯ The majority of NHAP episodes were treated successfully with oral antibiotics, but 31% failed treatment in the NH. Patients with a mechanically altered diet or requiring feeding assistance by staff had significantly higher failure rates. Feeding dependence and need for a mechanically altered diet as well as abnormal vital signs are associated with oral antibiotic treatment failure. These factors should be considered in treatment decisions for NHAP.