British journal of clinical pharmacology
Br J Clin Pharmacol · Jul 2015
Comparative Study Clinical TrialA pharmacokinetic comparison of anrukinzumab, an anti- IL-13 monoclonal antibody, among healthy volunteers, asthma and ulcerative colitis patients.
Anrukinzumab is an anti-IL13 monoclonal antibody. The goals of this study are to characterize the pharmacokinetics of anrukinzumab in healthy volunteers and different disease states and to identify covariates. ⋯ Anrukinzumab's PK behave like a typical antibody. UC patients were identified to have a faster CL of anrukinzumab than healthy volunteers and asthma patients. This finding suggests a higher dose level may be required for this population.
Br J Clin Pharmacol · Jul 2015
Randomized Controlled TrialPopulation pharmacokinetic model of free and total ropivacaine after transversus abdominis plane nerve block in patients undergoing liver resection.
The aim of this study was to develop a pharmacokinetic model in order to characterize the free and total ropivacaine concentrations after transversus abdominis plane block in a population of patients undergoing liver resection surgery. In particular, we evaluated the impact of the size of liver resection on ropivacaine pharmacokinetics. ⋯ Although large liver resections were associated with lower free ropivacaine clearance, the ropivacaine pharmacokinetic profile remained within the safe range after this type of surgery.
Br J Clin Pharmacol · Jul 2015
Randomized Controlled TrialPharmacokinetic study between a bilayer matrix fentalyl patch and a monolayer matrix fentanyl patch: single dose administration in healthy volunteers.
Transdermal fentanyl is a well established treatment for cancer pain. The aim of the present study is to assess the relative bioavailability of fentanyl from two different transdermal systems by evaluating plasma drug concentrations after single administration of Fentalgon® (test), a novel bilayer matrix type patch, and Durogesic SMAT (reference), a monolayer matrix type patch. In the Fentalgon patch the upper 6% fentanyl reservoir layer maintains a stable concentration gradient between the lower 4% donor layer and the skin. The system provides a constant drug delivery over 72 h. ⋯ The new bilayer matrix type patch, Fentalgon®, is bioequivalent to the monolayer matrix type Durogesic SMAT fentanyl patch with respect to the rate and extent of exposure of fentanyl (Eudra/CT no. 2005-000046-36).