Medical hypotheses
Tobacco exposure is implicated in many illnesses such as cardiovascular disease and cancer, but the mechanisms underlying these associations are poorly understood. The mechanisms by which tobacco induces pro-sympathetic and pro-inflammatory changes also remain elusive. Some studies have attributed these changes to the direct effects of nicotine, but such findings run counter to the pro-vagal, anti-inflammatory nature of the nicotinic pathway. ⋯ Tobacco-related cancers may be partly attributable to immunomodulatory properties of chronic nicotine exposure by dampening Th1 immunity and enabling tumoral evasion of immune surveillance. Other conditions associated with tobacco exposure may also operate through similar autonomic and immune dysfunctions. Therapeutic implications are discussed.
The future of 'pure' medical science: the need for a new specialist professional research system.
Over recent decades, medical research has become mostly an 'applied' science which implicitly aims at steady progress by an accumulation of small improvements, each increment having a high probability of validity. Applied medical science is, therefore, a social system of communications for generating pre-publication peer-reviewed knowledge that is ready for implementation. However, the need for predictability makes modern medical science risk-averse and this is leading to a decline in major therapeutic breakthroughs where new treatments for new diseases are required. ⋯ Pure medical science would work most effectively and efficiently if practiced in many independent and competing institutions in several different countries. The main 'market' for pure medical science would be the applied medical scientists, who need radical strategies to solve problems which are not yielding to established methods. The stimulus to create such elite pure medical science institutions might come from the leadership of academic 'entrepreneurs' (for instance, imaginative patrons in the major funding foundations), or be triggered by a widespread public recognition of the probable exhaustion of existing applied medical science approaches to solving major therapeutic challenges.
Symptoms of Gulf War Syndrome and chronic Lyme disease are very similar. Lyme disease is a condition which can be difficult to diagnose since one of the main features of the condition, the erythema migrans rash, may be absent or overlooked and serological testing for Lyme disease may be falsely negative. ⋯ There has been no systematic examination of Gulf War Syndrome sufferers for chronic Lyme disease and it is hypothesized that chronic Lyme disease has been overlooked as a cause of Gulf War Syndrome. To address this it is suggested that sufferers of Gulf War Syndrome or similar illnesses should be examined by physicians who have experience diagnosing and treating large numbers of patients with Lyme disease.
Comment Letter
Consideration of medical research vs. scientific research.
HIV transmission from the male to the female is a major health problem. A hypothesis proposing an intra vas deferens implant of an antimicrobial compound to prevent the infection spread is presented. Mechanisms of action for the inhibition could include inactivating HIV in sperms passing through the vas deferens; drug release from the implant to destroy HIV entering into semen from genital structures distal to the vas deferens; and sperm acrosome released hyaluronidase mediated reabsorption of HIV. ⋯ A significant reduction in the semen viral load following RISUG administration will validate the hypothesis. Speculated reduced female to male HIV transmission is more difficult to test. Nonspecific indications will come from a population study of the incidence of RISUG treated men becoming HIV positive as compared to that in the general population.