Journal of neurosurgery
Journal of neurosurgery · Sep 1997
Clinical Trial Controlled Clinical TrialIntrathecally administered baclofen for treatment of children with spasticity of cerebral origin.
Management of severe spasticity in children is often a difficult problem. Orally administered medications generally offer limited benefits. This study examines the value of intrathecally administered baclofen in the treatment of 19 children with severe spasticity of cerebral origin: eight of whom sustained brain injury associated with trauma, near drowning, or cardiac arrest; 10 with cerebral palsy (spastic quadriplegia); and one child with Leigh's disease. ⋯ Local infection occurred in three children and meningitis in two children. The results demonstrate the potential value of continuous intrathecal baclofen infusion for treatment of severe spasticity of cerebral origin. However, this treatment can result in significant complications and more experience is required before the long-term benefits can be determined.
Journal of neurosurgery · Sep 1997
Cigarette smoking-induced increase in the risk of symptomatic vasospasm after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Vasospasm following aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is correlated with the thickness of blood within the basal cisterns on the initial computerized tomography (CT) scan. To identify additional risk factors for symptomatic vasospasm, the authors performed a prospective analysis of 75 consecutively admitted patients who were treated for aneurysmal SAH. Five patients who died before treatment or were comatose postoperatively were excluded from the study. ⋯ Twenty-nine percent of the patients developed symptomatic vasospasm. Multivariate analysis demonstrated that cigarette smoking (p = 0.033; odds ratio 4.7, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.4-8.9) and Fisher Grade 3, that is, thick subarachnoid clot (p = 0.008; odds ratio 5.1, 95% CI 2-13.1), were independent predictors of symptomatic vasospasm. The authors make the novel observation that cigarette smoking increases the risk of symptomatic vasospasm after aneurysmal SAH, independent of Fisher grade.
Journal of neurosurgery · Sep 1997
Case ReportsStereotactic radiosurgical treatment of sphenopalatine neuralgia. Case report.
Sphenopalatine neuralgia is a rare craniofacial pain syndrome that is characterized by unilateral pain in the orbit, mouth, nose, and posterior mastoid process. During attacks of pain, vasomotor activity often results in ipsilateral nasal drainage, eye irritation, and lacrimation. The authors present a patient with a 15-year history of sphenopalatine neuralgia who underwent stereotactic radiosurgery targeted at the sphenopalatine ganglion, with initial pain relief, and repeated radiosurgery 17 months later for partial pain recurrence. Two years following radiosurgery, the patient is pain free, no longer suffering from nasal discharge and eye irritation.
Journal of neurosurgery · Sep 1997
The importance of pial blood supply to the development of peritumoral brain edema in meningiomas.
In a retrospective analysis, the authors studied the pial and dural blood supplies in 74 intracranial meningiomas and quantified their associated peritumoral brain edema (PTBE). The extent and localization of pial blush in relation to the total tumor volume were determined angiographically. The amount of edema and tumor size were calculated using computerized tomography. ⋯ In 69.9% of cases with pial blood supply, major portions of the edema were located adjacent to the tumor region supplied by pial vessels. Edema index differences among tumors of different subgroups, as defined by size or histology, were significantly related to the pial supply in each subset. Thus, pial blood supply may be associated with the development of PTBE in meningiomas.
Journal of neurosurgery · Sep 1997
Histopathology of arteriovenous malformations after gamma knife radiosurgery.
Stereotactic radiosurgery effectively obliterates many arteriovenous malformations (AVMs). Hemodynamic changes in AVMs after radiosurgery have been illustrated using magnetic resonance imaging and angiography, but there have been no detailed reports describing the underlying histopathological changes. This study examines AVMs at various times after gamma knife radiosurgery (GKRS) and describes the histopathological changes that lead to vessel occlusion. ⋯ Both of these parameters were significantly correlated with time after GKRS and with AVM size reduction shown on follow-up imaging studies. Gamma knife radiosurgery of AVMs causes endothelial damage, which induces the proliferation of smooth-muscle cells and the elaboration of extracellular collagen by these cells, which leads to progressive stenosis and obliteration of the AVM nidus. This series of pathological changes in AVMs after GKRS is essentially similar to the response-to-injury model of atherosclerosis.