Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Spatial and temporal summation of sensory and affective dimensions of deep somatic pain.
There is considerable evidence in support of differential information processing of the sensory-discriminative and motivational-affective meanings of pain. The purpose of this work was to examine whether temporal (acute, tonic, persistent) and spatial (local, regional, widespread) aspects of deep somatic pain influence the sensory and affective dimensions of pain. Acute pain consisted of a short bout of pain, lasting about 100 s. ⋯ Affective scores showed the most significant increases from acute to tonic pain, particularly with greater spatial involvement. The significant increases in sensory scores observed when contrasting persistent facial pain alone and in combination with widespread musculoskeletal pain was attributed to the broader body experience. Because the perceptual correlates of tonic and matched persistent (chronic) pain states were similar, we concluded that it does not require months for the development of the sensory and affective meaning of persistent pain as assumed.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Clinical Trial
Oral transmucosal fentanyl citrate (OTFC) for the treatment of breakthrough pain in cancer patients: a controlled dose titration study.
Oral transmucosal fentanyl citrate (OTFC) is a novel opioid formulation in which the potent synthetic mu-agonist fentanyl is embedded in a sweetened matrix that is dissolved in the mouth. It is undergoing investigation as a treatment for cancer-related breakthrough pain, a prevalent phenomenon defined as a transitory flare of moderate to severe pain that interrupts otherwise controlled persistent pain. There have been no controlled trials of other treatments for this condition. ⋯ OTFC appears to be a safe and effective therapy for breakthrough pain, and dose titration can usually identify a unit dose capable of providing adequate analgesia. If the lack of a relationship between the effective OTFC dose and fixed schedule opioid regimen is confirmed, dose titration may be needed in the clinical use of this formulation. Further investigation of OTFC as a specific treatment for breakthrough pain is warranted.
Recent animal models of experimental nerve injury have proven useful in evaluating potential sympathetic involvement in neuropathic pain syndromes. We have employed a widely adopted unilateral L5/L6 spinal nerve ligation model to compare the development of mechanical allodynia with neurochemical changes both at the site of peripheral nerve injury and in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG). We have focused on the expression of neuropeptide Y (NPY), a well-studied regulatory peptide and phenotypic marker of sympathetic neurons, and functionally related Y-receptor binding sites following nerve injury. ⋯ Newly established functional interactions of spatially segregated sensory- and sympathetically-derived end bulbs in developing neuromas may enhance neuronal hyperexcitability engendered by aberrant electrical activity at the site of injury. Injury-related alterations in the regulatory activities of NPY released within the DRG at somally-distributed Y-receptors may also contribute to the development and/or persistence of symptoms characteristic of sympathetically-maintained pain. Finally, at later times NPY-mediated modulation of NE release from invading sympathetic axon terminals within the DRG may affect the extent of alpha2 rece
Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Postoperative pain assessment and management in adolescents.
A 3-year study investigated the experience and management of postoperative pain following elective surgery in an adolescent sample, using a variety of valid, reliable instruments and semi-structured interviews. In addition to the adolescent subjects, the views of one parent of each adolescent were sought and a sample of health professionals comprising surgeons, anaesthetists and nurses were interviewed about acute pain in adolescent patients. ⋯ Pain, experienced by most adolescents on the 1st and 3rd postoperative days, was influenced by the presence of anxiety and depression, in addition to the maturational stage; differences between in-patients and day cases are highlighted. Recommendations for practice include the need for more effective pain management and raising awareness of the importance of both psychological state and adjustment to adolescence in this age-group.
Clinical Trial
Validity of an illness severity measure for headache in a population sample of migraine sufferers.
The headache impact questionnaire (HImQ) is used to measure pain and activity limitations from headache over a 3-month recall period. In a prior study, the test-retest reliability of the eight-item HImQ score was found to be relatively high (0.86). In the current study, we examined the validity of the eight-item HImQ by comparing the overall score and individual items to equivalent measures from a 90-day diary. ⋯ The validity of illness severity measures may be improved by using frequency-based questions to assess both missed activity days and days with significantly reduced effectiveness or productivity (e.g. by 50% or more). By combining the count for both missed days and days where productivity is substantially reduced, the mean of the frequency-based measure will be increased, a factor which may improve the overall validity of the item. A severity measure can be derived from such items by simple addition and provides a scale with intuitively meaningful units.