Comparative Study
Barriers to the analgesic management of cancer pain: a comparison of attitudes of Taiwanese patients and their family caregivers.
The purposes of this study were as follows: (1) to compare the attitudes which were considered to be barriers to cancer pain management held by Taiwanese cancer patients and their family caregivers; (2) to determine if these barriers were related to patient hesitancy to take analgesics and/or family caregiver hesitancy to administer analgesics: and (3) to determine if attitudinal barriers by patients and/or family caregivers predicted the adequacy of analgesics that patients used. A total of 159 dyads of oncology outpatients and their primary family caregivers (n = 318) participated in this study. The instruments completed by patients consisted of the Barriers Questionnaire-Taiwan form, the Brief Pain Inventory-Chinese version, the ECOG performance status scale, and a demographic and medication questionnaire. ⋯ Patient concerns were related to their hesitancy to take analgesics and, similarly, caregiver concerns were related to their hesitancy to administer analgesics. Most importantly, patient and caregiver concerns had an impact on how the patients' pain was managed: (1) patients and their family caregivers with higher levels of concerns used inadequate analgesics as compared to patients using adequate analgesics; (2) family caregiver barriers (concerns) were a significant predictor of inadequate management of cancer pain (after controlling for demographic and disease variables). Therefore, educational interventions for overcoming these barriers for both patients and their family caregivers may have potential for improving the management of cancer pain in Taiwan.
Ovariohysterectomy in the rat led to the induction of abdominal postures and referred mechanical allodynia in the hind paws. The latter was differentiated into static and dynamic subtypes. The abdominal postures were present up to 4-5 h, whilst the two types of allodynia lasted for at least 2 days. ⋯ In contrast, administration of three doses of morphine (3 mg/kg) in a similar dosing regime but starting 24 h after surgery, only blocked the two types of allodynia for 4 h. These data indicate the importance of blocking the induction phase of surgical pain and support the concept of pre-emptive analgesia. It is suggested that the ovariohysterectomy model should prove to be useful for studying mechanisms and designing novel therapeutic strategies for the treatment of post-operative pain.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Intravenous morphine in postoperative infants: intermittent bolus dosing versus targeted continuous infusions.
Eighty-three infants received i.v. morphine following surgery as a continuous infusion to a targeted morphine concentration of 20 ng ml(-1) (n = 56) or as intermittent bolus doses as needed (n = 27). Ventilation was compared in the two groups by continuous pulse oximetry, by venous blood gases on postoperative day 1 (POD 1) and by CO2 response curves. Infant pain scores were done to assess analgesia every 4 h. ⋯ Morphine clearance increased with age. Infants with detectable morphine also had measurable morphine-6-glucuronide in both groups. Oral intake began at 16 h in both groups and other side effects were infrequent.
Comparative Study
Validity of the Migraine Disability Assessment (MIDAS) score in comparison to a diary-based measure in a population sample of migraine sufferers.
The Migraine Disability Assessment (MIDAS) questionnaire is a brief, self-administered questionnaire designed to quantify headache-related disability over a 3 month period. The MIDAS score has been shown to have moderately high test-retest reliability in headache sufferers and is correlated with clinical judgment regarding the need for medical care. The aim of the study was to examine the validity of the MIDAS score, and the five items comprising the score, compared to data from a 90 day daily diary used, in part, to record acute disability from headache. ⋯ The group estimate of the MIDAS score was found to be a valid estimate of a rigorous diary-based measure of disability. The mean and median values for the MIDAS score in a population-based sample of migraine cases were similar to equivalent diary measures. The correlation between the two measures was in the low moderate range, but expected given that two very different methods of data collection were compared.
Previous work has suggested an attenuated sensitivity to painful stimulation in hypertensive men. We recently reported that, compared with persons with negative parental history, men, but not women, with a positive history for hypertension showed attenuated pain perception. This study specifically addressed factors that predict pain perception in women, including blood pressure, parental history and mood states. ⋯ Regression analyses confirmed these effects. Controlling for potential confounding variables did not alter these relationships. These findings suggest that in women, phenotype systolic BP may be a better predictor of hypoalgesia than parental history of hypertension.