Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Muscle pain inhibits cutaneous touch perception.
The processing of noxious and non-noxious sensations differs between chronic pain syndromes, and we believe that studies of sensory processing in the presence of pain will help to clarify the aetiology of the conditions. Here we measured in humans the threshold-level mechanosensitivity in tonic experimental muscle pain. ⋯ Comparing our findings to results obtained with other pain models, all classes of nociceptors do not seem to have the same effect on cutaneous mechanosensitivity. The observed threshold-level hypoesthesia is consistent with the hypothesis that the increased mechanical thresholds found in clinic cases of temporomandibular disorders and cervicobrachialgia are a direct result of the activation of muscle nociceptors.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
'Balanced analgesia' in the perioperative period: is there a place for ketamine?
We investigated whether intraoperative 'subanesthetic doses' of ketamine have a postoperative anti-hyperalgesic and an analgesic effect and which is the preferential route of administration, either systemic (intravenous, i.v.) or epidural. One hundred patients scheduled for rectal adenocarcinoma surgery under combined epidural/general anesthesia were included. Before skin incision all the patients received an epidural bolus followed by an infusion of continuous bupivacaine/sufentanil/clonidine mixture. ⋯ These patients reported significantly less residual pain until the sixth postoperative month. These observations support the theory that subanesthetic doses of i.v. ketamine (0.5 mg/kg bolus followed by 0.25 mg/kg per h) given during anesthesia reduce wound hyperalgesia and are a useful adjuvant in perioperative balanced analgesia. Moreover, they show that the systemic route clearly is the preferential route.
Clinical Trial Controlled Clinical Trial
Analysis of stimulus-evoked pain in patients with myofascial temporomandibular pain disorders.
The pathophysiological mechanisms of myofascial temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are still under investigation. The hypothesis that TMD pain is caused by a generalized sensitization of higher order neurons in the nociceptive pathways combined with a decreased efficacy of endogenous inhibitory systems has recently gained support in the literature. This study was designed to further investigate the somatosensory sensibility within and outside the craniofacial region. ⋯ There were no significant correlations between measures of somatosensory sensibility and measures of clinical pain intensity, pain duration, graded chronic pain scores or somatization or depression scores (Pearson: R < 0.304, P > 0.172). The present study in a well-defined group of myofascial TMD patients found that the responsiveness to both tonic and phasic deep stimuli, but not to phasic superficial inputs at the pain threshold level, in the craniofacial region was higher compared with a control group. These findings suggest that myofascial TMD pain is associated with a facilitation of stimulus-evoked pain primarily, but not exclusively related to the painful region.
Sleep disturbances are frequently reported in victims following burn injuries. This prospective study was designed to assess sleep quality and to examine its daily relationship to pain intensity within the first week of hospitalization. Twenty-eight non-ventilated patients were interviewed during 5 consecutive mornings (number of observations=140) to collect information about perceived quality of sleep (visual analogue scale, number of hours, number of awakenings, presence of nightmares). ⋯ Pain during the day was not found to be a significant predictor of poor sleep on the following night. These results support previous findings that perceived quality of sleep following burn injury is poor. Moreover, they show a daily relationship between quality of sleep and acute burn pain in which poor sleep is linked to higher pain intensity during the day.
The generation of transgenic mice that lack or overexpress genes relevant to pain is becoming increasing common. However, only one visceral pain model, the writhing test, is widely used in mice. Here we describe a novel model, chemical stimulation of the colon, which we have developed in mice. ⋯ The peak behavioural responses were evoked by 0.1% capsaicin and by 1% mustard oil respectively. The nociceptive behavioural responses were dose-dependently reversed by morphine (ED50 = 1.9 +/- 1 mg/kg s.c.). We conclude that this model represents a useful tool both for phenotyping mutant mice and for classical pharmacology since information on visceral pain, referred hyperalgesia and colon inflammation can all obtained from the same animal.