Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Quantitative and qualitative perceptual analysis of cold dysesthesia and hyperalgesia in fibromyalgia.
Somatosensory perception thresholds, perceived intensity, and quality of perceptions were assessed in 20 women with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) and in 20 healthy age-matched female controls. All patients and controls scaled perceived intensity and described perceived quality of randomized thermal (Thermotest) and tactile (von Frey filaments) stimulation. Perceived intensity was scaled by free-number magnitude estimation and interindividual comparability was accomplished by Master Scaling. ⋯ The combination of cold hyperesthesia, cold dysesthesia, and multimodal hyperalgesia suggests a selective pathophysiology at a particular level of integration, possibly in the insular cortex. It is suggested that the aberrations revealed by the supraliminal sensory evaluation may be generic for FMS. Particularly, the aberrations established in all patients for perceived quality and intensity in the cold sensory channel may be an additional diagnostic criterion.
Research has demonstrated that women report more pain than men, and clinical observations suggest that attenuated adrenocortical activity is associated with high pain sensitivity. The extent to which cortisol concentrations and hemodynamics contribute to gender differences in pain sensitivity has not been investigated. Thirty-four women and 31 men performed the hand cold pressor test (CPT). ⋯ Systolic blood pressure (BP) and stroke volume correlated negatively with pain reports only in women (Ps<0.05). Controlling for potential confounding variables did not alter these relationships. The negative association between pre-CPT cortisol and pain perception in men and the association between BP and pain in women demonstrate different physiological predictors of pain perception in men and women.
Various animal models of neuropathic pain have been developed which involve creating a lesion in a spinal root. We describe a human correlate in which patients developed a neuropathic pain syndrome after having one spinal nerve surgically divided. In some patients with brachial plexus lesions, the C7 spinal nerve from the opposite side is divided and used as a nerve transfer to re-innervate the injured brachial plexus. ⋯ The pain and hyperalgesia persisted during a phentolamine infusion, which produced a sympathetic blockade. Only mild parasthesia persisted at a 1 year follow up. Thus, surgical division of a single spinal nerve in humans can lead to the development of neuropathic pain.
Comparative Study
Neurogenic hyperalgesia versus painful hypoalgesia: two distinct mechanisms of neuropathic pain.
Patients with sensory disturbances of painful and non-painful character show distinct changes in touch and/or pain sensitivity. The patterns of sensory changes were compared to those of human surrogate models of neuropathic pain to assess the underlying mechanisms. We investigated 30 consecutive in-patients with dysaesthesia of various origins (peripheral, spinal, and brainstem lesions) and 15 healthy subjects. ⋯ Our findings suggest that neuropathic pain is based on two distinct mechanisms: (I) central sensitization (neurogenic hyperalgesia; in patients with minor sensory impairment) and (II) partial nociceptive deafferentation (painful hypoalgesia; in patients with major sensory deficit). This distinction as previously postulated for postherpetic neuralgia, is obviously valid also for other conditions. Our findings emphasize the significance of a mechanism-based classification of neuropathic pain.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
The combination of low dose of naloxone and morphine in PCA does not decrease opioid requirements in the postoperative period.
The continuous infusion of low doses of naloxone has been reported to decrease postoperative opioid requirements and opioid side effects. However, there is no study that evaluates the effectiveness of the combination of a low dose of naloxone and morphine using patient-controlled analgesia (PCA). This prospective, randomized double-blind controlled study sought to determine if the combination of a low dose of naloxone and morphine in a PCA solution decreases postoperative opioid requirements and pain intensity. ⋯ The morphine+naloxone group had more treatment failures (P=0.0001), higher opioid requirements (P=0.0097), greater pain intensity (P=0.04), less pain relief (P=0.004), and less satisfaction (P=0.01) than the morphine group. The incidence of side effects was similar in both groups (P=0.3). Contrary to previous reports, adding low doses of naloxone to a morphine PCA solution increases opioid requirements and pain.