In several types of chronic pain, catastrophizing has been related to higher pain intensity, and health care utilization but it has not been explored extensively in sickle cell disease (SCD). The objective of the study was to identify the role of catastrophizing in SCD, specifically in relation to painful crises, non-crisis pain, and responses to pain. Two hundred and twenty SCD adults were enrolled in a prospective cohort study of pain and completed between 30 and 188 daily diaries in 6 months. ⋯ Adults with SCD had a higher mean catastrophizing score than found in studies of other chronic pain conditions that are not lifelong and life-threatening. CAT scores were not correlated with pain parameters or utilization. The role of catastrophizing in other conditions cannot be generalized to SCD.
Pain is a common symptom in the general population. While most subjects experience pain in more than one body site, most epidemiologic and clinical studies focus on single pain sites. Limited evidence on spatial pain pattern reporting is available to date. ⋯ The seven pain classes differed substantially with regard to sociodemographic characteristics, and showed meaningful associations to self-reported medical diseases. Spatial pain patterns predicted physical functioning better than social functioning. The results suggest that a meaningful classification of complex pain patterns may be based on a very simple measure of pain symptoms.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Clinical Trial
Sativex successfully treats neuropathic pain characterised by allodynia: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial.
Cannabinoids are known to have analgesic properties. We evaluated the effect of oro-mucosal sativex, (THC: CBD), an endocannabinoid system modulator, on pain and allodynia, in 125 patients with neuropathic pain of peripheral origin in a five-week, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel design trial. Patients remained on their existing stable analgesia. ⋯ Sedative and gastrointestinal side effects were reported more commonly by patients on active medication. Of all participants, 18% on sativex and 3% on placebo withdrew during the study. An open-label extension study showed that the initial pain relief was maintained without dose escalation or toxicity for 52 weeks.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Activation of the cortical pain network by soft tactile stimulation after injection of sumatriptan.
The anti-migraine drug sumatriptan often induces unpleasant somatosensory side effects, including a dislike of being touched. With a double-blind cross-over design, we studied the effects of sumatriptan and saline on perception (visual analogue scale) and cortical processing (functional magnetic resonance imaging) of tactile stimulation in healthy subjects. Soft brush stroking on the calf (n=6) was less pleasant (p<0.04) and evoked less activation of posterior insular cortex in the sumatriptan compared to the saline condition. ⋯ Another possibility is inhibition of a recently discovered system of low-threshold unmyelinated tactile (CT) afferents that are present in hairy skin only, project to posterior insular cortex, and serve affective aspects of tactile sensation. An inhibition of impulse transmission in the CT system by sumatriptan could disinhibit nociceptive signalling and make light touch less pleasant. This latter alternative is consistent with the observed reduction in posterior insular cortex activation and the selective effects of stimulation on hairy compared to glabrous skin, which are not explained by the nociceptor sensitization account.
The facial expression of pain has emerged as an important pain indicator in demented patients, who have difficulties in providing self-report ratings. In a few clinical studies an increase of facial responses to pain was observed in demented patients compared to healthy controls. However, it had to be shown that this increase can be verified when using experimental methods, which also allows for testing whether the facial responses in demented patients are still typical for pain. ⋯ Regarding self-report ratings, we found no significant group differences; however, the capacity to provide these self-report ratings was diminished in demented patients. The preserved pain typicalness of facial responses to noxious stimulation suggests that pain is reflected as validly in the facial responses of demented patients as it is in healthy individuals. Therefore, the facial expression of pain has the potential to serve as an alternative pain assessment tool in demented patients, even in patients who are verbally compromised.