According to the Generalized Hypervigilance Hypothesis (GHH) of McDermid et al., the unpleasantness of sensory stimuli, rather than their modality, determines whether they will be perceptually amplified in hypervigilant persons. In a test of this idea, ratings of the intensity of sensations evoked by cutaneous and auditory stimuli were obtained from individuals with chronic myofascial pain (fibromyalgia, temporomandibular disorders), and from (less hypervigilant) healthy control participants. ⋯ In both cases, perceptual amplification extended to even the lowest stimulus intensities, a result that is not consistent with the predictions of the GHH. An alternative formulation, the attentional gain control model of hypervigilance, is proposed, according to which those types of stimuli that are associated with pain are amplified because of the attention that is habitually directed toward them.
The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is a system of organs within multicellular animals which facilitates the ingestion, digestion, and absorption of food with subsequent defecation of waste. A complex arrangement of nerves and ancillary cells contributes to the sensorimotor apparatus required to subserve such essential functions that are with the exception of the extreme upper and lower ends of the GI tract normally subconscious. ⋯ Although this function can be protective, when dysregulated, particularly on a chronic basis, the same system can lead to considerable morbidity. The anatomical and molecular basis of gastrointestinal nociception, conditions associated with chronic unexplained visceral pain, and developments in treatment are presented in this review.
The current study examined the Photograph Series of Daily Activities (PHODA) Scale in a sample of chronic low back pain patients with high and low levels of kinesiophobia (pain-related fear). Thirty-three participants completed a modified version of the PHODA (PHODA-M) that obtained ratings of both anticipated pain and harm. Participants' responses on the PHODA-M were compared to predicted and experienced pain and harm ratings collected during a graded-difficulty reaching task. ⋯ In comparison to low fear participants, high fear participants showed larger correlations between pain expectancies for movements depicted in the PHODA and their ratings of predicted and experienced pain on each movement comprising the reaching task. Additionally, high fear participants showed larger associations between the perceived harmfulness of PHODA activities and predicted and experienced harm ratings in response to the reaching task. Implications for the findings are discussed.
Area-specific representation of mechanical nociceptive stimuli within SI cortex of squirrel monkeys.
While functional imaging studies in humans have consistently reported activation of primary somatosensory cortex (SI) with painful stimuli, the specific roles of subdivisions of areas 3a, 3b, and 1 within SI during pain perception are largely unknown, particularly in the representation of mechanical evoked pain. In this study, we investigated how modality, location, and intensity of nociceptive stimuli are represented within SI by using high-spatial resolution optical imaging of intrinsic signals in Pentothal-anesthetized squirrel monkeys. Perceptually comparable mechanical nociceptive and innocuous tactile stimuli were delivered by indenting the glabrous skin of the distal finger pads with 0.2 and 2mm diameter probes, respectively. ⋯ However, with innocuous tactile stimulation, mainly areas 3b and 1 exhibited response modulation with different levels of stimulation. In summary, mechanical nociceptive inputs are area-specific and topographically represented within SI. We propose that all areas of SI are implicated in encoding the features of mechanical nociception, where areas 3a and 3b are distinctively involved in coding nociceptive and pressure sensation components of stimulation.