Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Spinal cord stimulation for the treatment of refractory angina pectoris: a multicenter randomized single-blind study (the SCS-ITA trial).
Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) is believed to be effective in treating refractory angina. The need for SCS-related chest paresthesia, however, has hitherto made impossible placebo-controlled trials. Subliminal (non paresthesic) SCS, however, might be also effective on anginal pain. ⋯ At 3months, a significant difference between groups PS and SS was observed in angina attacks (p=0.002), but not in other variables. Thus, in this study, paresthesic, but not subliminal SCS was superior to sham SCS in improving clinical status in refractory angina patients. The lack of significant differences between PS and SS groups in this small study suggests that a possible role for subliminal SCS in individual patients deserves to be assessed in larger trials with appropriate statistical power.
The goals of the current study were to examine the associations between patient-reported spouse responses to pain and well behaviors as assessed by the Spouse Response Inventory (SRI) [22] and (1) patient-reported pain behavior, (2) depression, and (3) physical dysfunction, independent of patient demographics and pain severity. Moreover, we sought to examine the potential moderating influence of marital satisfaction on these relationships. We also evaluated the construct and concurrent validity and internal reliability of the SRI. ⋯ In summary, our results support the internal reliability and validity of the SRI scales as measures of spousal responses to both pain and well behaviors. The current study also supports the importance of examining the potential impact of responses to both well and pain behaviors. Further research is needed to examine the potential impact of other contextual variables and marital satisfaction on the relationship of spouse responses to both well and pain behaviors.
The effects of depression and smoking on pain severity and opioid use in patients with chronic pain.
Depression and smoking are common comorbid conditions among adults with chronic pain. The aim of this study was to determine the independent effects of depression on clinical pain and opioid use among patients with chronic pain according to smoking status. A retrospective design was used to assess baseline levels of depression, clinical pain, opioid dose (calculated as morphine equivalents), and smoking status in a consecutive series of patients admitted to a 3-week outpatient pain treatment program from September 2003 through February 2007. ⋯ However, status as a current smoker was independently associated with greater opioid use (by 27mg/d), independent of depression scores. The relationship between depression, smoking status, opioid use, and chronic pain is complex, and both depression and smoking status may be potentially important considerations in the treatment of patients with chronic pain who utilize opioids. This study found that pain severity was associated with greater depression but not smoking; however, smoking was associated with greater opioid use, independent of depression.
Concepts originating from ancient Eastern texts are now being explored scientifically, leading to new insights into mind/brain function. Meditative practice, often viewed as an emotion regulation strategy, has been associated with pain reduction, low pain sensitivity, chronic pain improvement, and thickness of pain-related cortices. Zen meditation is unlike previously studied emotion regulation techniques; more akin to 'no appraisal' than 'reappraisal'. ⋯ The activation pattern is remarkably consistent with the mindset described in Zen and the notion of mindfulness. Our findings contrast and challenge current concepts of pain and emotion regulation and cognitive control; commonly thought to manifest through increased activation of frontal executive areas. We suggest it is possible to self-regulate in a more 'passive' manner, by reducing higher-order evaluative processes, as demonstrated here by the disengagement of anterior brain systems in meditators.
This study evaluated prospectively the incidence of neuropathic pain after thoracotomy, described its clinical characteristics, and delineated landmarks for its diagnosis in daily practice. We evaluated clinically painful symptoms and sensory deficits in 54 patients after lateral/posterolateral thoracotomy for broncho-pulmonary carcinoma with standardized surgical and analgesic procedures. At 2months, 49 patients suffered from non malignant thoracic pain, and at 6months 38 patients (loss to follow-up for 7) reported persisting pain. ⋯ Morphine consumption during the early post-operative period (mean 111.3±30.8mg/day) and pain intensity (VAS: mean 5.71±2.1) were significantly higher in patients suffering from neuropathic pain than in other patients with pain (mean 80±21.4mg/day; VAS: mean 3.9±2.4). The clinical picture in most patients with neuropathic pain included electric shocks and severe multimodal hypoesthesia in the sensory area of 5th/6th intercostal nerves. Thus, our results indicate a minimal incidence of chronic post-thoracotomy pain at 70% and that of neuropathic pain at 29%, this latter being clinically suggested by a combination of certain symptoms and reinforced by the DN4 questionnaire when sensory deficit at scar is present.