Peripheral neural mechanisms underlying the sensations of irritation, discomfort, and itch accompanying the eye allergic response have not been hitherto analyzed. We explored this question recording the changes in the electrical activity of corneoconjunctival sensory nerve fibers of the guinea pig after an ocular allergic challenge. Sensitization was produced by i.p. ovalbumin followed by repeated application in the eye of 10% ovalbumin on days 14 to 18. ⋯ Only capsazepine attenuated tearing rate increase and sensitization of the polymodal nociceptors response to CO2. Capsazepine also prevented the decrease in cold thermoreceptor activity caused by the allergic challenge. We conclude that changes in nerve impulse activity accompanying the ocular allergic response, primarily mediated by activation of nociceptor's TRPV1 and to a lesser degree by activation of TRPA1 channels, explain the eye discomfort sensations accompanying allergic episodes.
The expression of pain is altered in people with dementia (PWD), increasing the risk of undertreatment in that population. The objective of this study was to determine whether dementia and the absence of pain assessment in the patients' medical chart reduced the probability of analgesic use in a large sample of nursing home (NH) residents. This is a cross-sectional study using data from 6275 residents (mean age 86 ± 8.2 years; 73.7% women) from 175 NHs located in France. ⋯ Results remained fairly unchanged after performing several sensitivity analyses. Our results suggest that improvements are needed in pain management in NHs, particularly for PWD. Implementing systematic evaluations of pain in NHs' routine would contribute to a better management of pain, which can lead to important benefits for residents.
In the spinal nerve ligation (SNL) model of neuropathic pain, synaptic plasticity shifts the excitation/inhibition balance toward excitation in the spinal dorsal horn. We investigated the deregulation of the synaptogenic neuroligin (NL) molecules, whose NL1 and NL2 isoforms are primarily encountered at excitatory and inhibitory synapses, respectively. In the dorsal horn of SNL rats, NL2 was overexpressed whereas NL1 remained unchanged. ⋯ Expression of the inhibitory scaffolding protein gephyrin remained unchanged, indicating a partial change in NL2 postsynaptic partners in SNL rats. This phenomenon appears to be specific to the NL2(-) isoform. Our data showed unexpected upregulation and pronociceptive effects of the "inhibitory" NL2 in neuropathic pain, suggesting a functional shift of NL2 from inhibition to excitation that changed the synaptic ratio toward higher excitation.
The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and the mediodorsal thalamus (MD) form interconnected neural circuits that are important for spatial cognition and memory, but it is not known whether the functional connectivity between these areas is affected by the onset of an animal model of inflammatory pain. To address this issue, we implanted 2 multichannel arrays of electrodes in the mPFC and MD of adult rats and recorded local field potential activity during a food-reinforced spatial working memory task. Recordings were performed for 3weeks, before and after the establishment of the pain model. ⋯ In addition, spectral analysis revealed significant oscillations of power across frequency bands, namely with a strong theta component that oscillated after the onset of the painful condition. Finally, our data revealed that chronic pain induces an increase in theta/gamma phase coherence and a higher level of mPFC-MD coherence, which is partially conserved across frequency bands. The present results demonstrate that functional disturbances in mPFC-MD connectivity are a relevant cause of deficits in pain-related working memory.
Nerve growth factor (NGF) is involved in the long-term sensitization of nociceptive processing linked to chronic pain. Functional and structural ("sprouting") changes can contribute. Thus, humans report long-lasting hyperalgesia to mechanical and electrical stimulation after intradermal NGF injection and NGF-induced sprouting has been reported to underlie cancer bone pain and visceral pain. ⋯ At the structural level, however, IENF density was not increased by NGF. In conclusion, intradermal NGF induces long-lasting axonal and mechanical sensitization in porcine C nociceptors that corresponds to hyperalgesia observed in humans. Sensitization is not accompanied by increased IENF density, suggesting that NGF-induced hyperalgesia might not depend on changes in nerve fiber density but could be linked to the recruitment of previously silent nociceptors.