Case Reports
Hemibody pain relieved by microvascular decompression of the contralateral caudal medulla Case Report.
Microvascular decompression (MVD) of cranial nerves has become an established treatment for trigeminal and (vago)glossopharyngeal neuralgia and for hemifacial spasm. The authors present the case of a 64-year-old man who had a 3.5-year history of severe, drug-resistant hemibody pain with sensory and autonomic disturbance. The ipsilateral trigeminal, cochlear, and glossopharyngeal function also was affected. ⋯ After MVD of the medulla, there was an immediate and complete resolution of the pain and almost complete resolution of the sensory and autonomic disturbances. The pain later recurred mildly and transiently. The residual symptoms had resolved by 2 years.
Fibromyalgia typically presents with spontaneous body pain with no apparent cause and is considered pathophysiologically to be a functional disorder of somatosensory processing. We have investigated potential associations between the degree of self-reported clinical pain and resting-state brain functional connectivity at different levels of putative somatosensory integration. Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging was obtained in 40 women with fibromyalgia and 36 control subjects. ⋯ The results confirm previous research demonstrating abnormal functional connectivity in fibromyalgia and show that alterations at different levels of sensory processing may contribute to account for clinical pain. Importantly, reduced functional connectivity extended beyond the somatosensory domain and implicated visual and auditory sensory modalities. Overall, this study suggests that a general weakening of sensory integration underlies clinical pain in fibromyalgia.
Few studies have used prospective designs in large population surveys to assess the risk of developing chronic widespread pain (CWP). We wanted to examine 1) how many people without CWP developed it after 11years, and 2) how anxiety, depression, alcohol use, smoking, sleeping problems, and body mass index (BMI) were associated with this development. This study was based on a representative population-based Norwegian cohort attending both the second (1995 to 1997) and the third (2006 to 2008) wave of the Nord-Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT2 and HUNT3, respectively). ⋯ Anxiety and depression, former and current smoking status, BMI<18.5 kg/m(2), BMI⩾25 kg/m(2), and sleeping problems were all associated with an increased risk of CWP. High and moderate levels of alcohol use were associated with a reduced risk of CWP. In summary, this study indicates that CWP develops over a long-term period for a substantial group of healthy people, and that both psychosocial and lifestyle factors influence the risk of CWP onset.
Randomized Controlled Trial
The emotion regulatory function of parent attention to child pain and associated implications for parental pain control behaviour.
We investigated the function of parental attention to child pain in regulating parental distress and pain control behaviour when observing their child performing a painful (cold pressor) task (CPT); we also studied the moderating role of parental state anxiety. Participants were 62 schoolchildren and one of their parents. Parental attention towards or away from child pain (ie, attend to pain vs avoid pain) was experimentally manipulated during a viewing task pairing unfamiliar children's neutral and pain faces. ⋯ Specifically, whereas low anxious parents reported more distress and demonstrated more pain control behaviour in the Attend to Pain condition, high anxious parents reported more distress and showed more pain control behaviour in the Avoid Pain condition. This inverse pattern was likewise apparent in physiological distress indices (HR) in response to the initial viewing task. Theoretical/clinical implications and further research directions are discussed.