Review Meta Analysis
Flunarizine as prophylaxis for episodic migraine: a systematic review with meta-analysis.
Based on few clinical trials, flunarizine is considered a first-line prophylactic treatment for migraine in several guidelines. In this meta-analysis, we examined the pooled evidence for its effectiveness, tolerability, and safety. Prospective randomized controlled trials of flunarizine as a prophylaxis against migraine were identified from a systematic literature search, and risk of bias was assessed for all included studies. ⋯ Meta-analyses were robust and homogenous, although several of the included trials potentially suffered from high risk of bias. Unfortunately, reporting of AEs was inconsistent and limited. In conclusion, pooled analysis of data from partially outdated trials shows that 10-mg flunarizine per day is effective and well tolerated in treating episodic migraine-supporting current guideline recommendations.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Somatosensory profiles in acute herpes zoster and predictors of postherpetic neuralgia.
This prospective cohort study aimed to characterize the sensory profile during acute herpes zoster (AHZ) and to explore sensory signs as well as physical and psychosocial health as predictors for postherpetic neuralgia (PHN). Results of quantitative sensory testing of 74 patients with AHZ at the affected site and at the distant contralateral control site were compared to a healthy control group. Pain characteristics (Neuropathic Pain and Symptom Inventory and SES), physical functioning, and psychosocial health aspects (Pain Disability Index, SF-36, and STAI) were assessed by questionnaires. ⋯ Pain Disability Index (P = 0.036) and SES affective pain perception scores (P = 0.031) were over 50% higher, and 6 of 8 SF-36 subscores were over 50% lower (P < 0.045) in PHN. Sensory profiles in AHZ indicate deafferentation and central but not peripheral sensitization. Sensory signs at distant body sites, strong affective pain perception, as well as reduced quality of life and physical functioning in the acute phase may reflect risk factors for the transition to PHN.
The counterirritation phenomenon known as conditioned pain modulation, or diffuse noxious inhibitory control in animals, is of increasing interest due to its utility in predicting chronic pain and treatment response. It features considerable interindividual variability, with large subsets of pain patients and even normal volunteers exhibiting hyperalgesia rather than hypoalgesia during or immediately after receiving a conditioning stimulus. ⋯ In a series of parametric studies, we show that this hyperalgesia can be reliably observed using multiple conditioning stimuli (acetic acid and orofacial formalin), test stimuli (hindpaw and forepaw-withdrawal, tail-withdrawal, hot-plate, and von Frey tests) and genotypes (CD-1, DBA/2, and C57BL/6 mice and Sprague-Dawley rats). Although the magnitude of the hyperalgesia is dependent on the intensity of the conditioning stimulus, we find that the direction of effect is dependent on the effective test stimulus intensity, with lower-intensity stimuli leading to hyperalgesia and higher-intensity stimuli leading to hypoalgesia.
Stability of local medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) network activity is believed to be critical for sustaining cognitive processes such as working memory (WM) and decision making. Dysfunction of the mPFC has been identified as a leading cause to WM deficits in several chronic pain conditions; however, the underlying mechanisms remain largely undetermined. Here, to address this issue, we implanted multichannel arrays of electrodes in the prelimbic region of the mPFC and recorded the neuronal activity during a food-reinforced delayed nonmatch to sample (DNMS) task of spatial WM. ⋯ In spared nerve injury animals, photoinhibition of excitatory neurons improved the performance level and restored neural activity to a similar profile observed in the control animals. In addition, we found that selective inhibition of excitatory neurons does not produce antinociceptive effects. Together, our findings suggest that disruption of balance in local prelimbic networks may be crucial for the neurological and cognitive deficits observed during painful syndromes.