Drug and alcohol dependence
Drug Alcohol Depend · Oct 1998
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialEfficacy of orally administered methylnaltrexone in decreasing subjective effects after intravenous morphine.
Opioid compounds are commonly used analgesics. After opioid administration, troublesome subjective effects, such as dysphoria, dizziness, nausea, and pruritus, have been reported. While some if not all of these are believed to occur due to central nervous system effects of opioids, the anecdotal reports heard from volunteers in our other studies suggest that a peripheral opioid antagonist reduced some of these effects. ⋯ Oral methylnaltrexone 19.2 mg/kg significantly decreased these four ratings. Plasma methylnaltrexone concentrations at two different oral doses were also measured to correlate between pharmacological effects of the compound and its plasma levels. Our results suggested that methylnaltrexone has a potential therapeutic value in decreasing some undesirable subjective effects associated with opioid medications.