Drug and alcohol dependence
Drug Alcohol Depend · Sep 2002
What predicts incident use of cannabis and progression to abuse and dependence? A 4-year prospective examination of risk factors in a community sample of adolescents and young adults.
To determine risk factors of incident onset of use, abuse and dependence of cannabis in a community sample of adolescents and young adults. ⋯ Different factors predict the onset or severity of cannabis use and the progression to abuse and dependence. In addition to well-documented risk factors such as peer group pressure, drug availability, and low self-esteem, findings suggest that family history (e.g. parental mental disorders, early parental death), and prior experiences with legal drugs play a significant role in the initiation of cannabis consumption and the transition to cannabis use disorders in adolescents and young adults. Findings suggest that early intervention and prevention might be improved by better targeted treatment.