Cancer letters
Most hereditary predispositions to tumours affect only one particular cell type of the body but the genes bearing the relevant germ-line mutation are not cell-type-specific. Some predisposition syndromes include increased risks of lesions (developmental or tumourous) of unrelated cell types, in any individual predisposed to the main lesion (e.g. osteosarcoma in patients predisposed to retinoblastoma). Other predispositions to additional lesions occur only in members of some families with the predisposition to the basic lesion (e.g. ⋯ Candidate cell-type-specific regulators may include microRNAs and perhaps transcription factors. It is suggested that searching the introns within 10(5)-10(6) bases either side of known of exonic mutations of TSGs associated with inherited tumour predisposition might reveal microRNA cell-type-specific regulators. Additional investigations may involve fluorescent in situ hybridisations on interphase tumour nuclei.