Circumstantial evidence has implicated tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) in the pathogenesis of anemia of chronic disease (ACD) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We investigated the role of TNF-alpha in erythropoiesis of patients with active RA (n = 40) and the effect of anti-TNF-alpha antibody administration (cA2). Patients with RA had lower numbers of CD34+/CD71+ and CD36-/glycophorin A+ (glycoA+) bone marrow (BM) cells and increased proportions of apoptotic cells within the CD34+/CD71+ and CD36+/glycoA+ cell compartments, compared to healthy controls (n = 24). ⋯ Recovery from anemia was more prominent in patients with ACD. The exogenous addition of an anti-TNF-alpha antibody in the cultures increased BFU-E number in patients prior to cA2 treatment but not after treatment, further substantiating the inhibitory role of TNF-alpha on patients' erythropoiesis. We conclude that TNF-alpha-mediated apoptotic depletion of BM erythroid cells may account for ACD in RA and that cA2 administration may ameliorate ACD in these patients by down-regulating the apoptotic mechanisms involved in erythropoiesis.