International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics
Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. · Jul 1991
Comparative StudyLocally advanced (noninflammatory) carcinoma of the breast: results and comparison of various treatment modalities.
From 1968-1987 237 women with Stage III, noninflammatory breast cancer were treated with various modalities. Ninety-three (39%) had Stage IIIA tumors, and 144 (61%) had Stage IIIB, noninflammatory tumors (AJC, 1983 staging). Median follow-up was 5.4 years (range 2 to 22 years). ⋯ Of the triple modality group of patients, there were no chest wall failures with chest wall doses greater than 5040 cGy (p = 0.3). There were 40/237 (17%) grade 2 or greater treatment sequelae. The administration of chemotherapy significantly increased complications.
Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. · Jul 1991
Ten year results of conservative surgery and irradiation for stage I and II breast cancer.
Between 1977 and 1985, 697 women with clinical Stage I or II invasive breast cancer underwent excisional biopsy, axillary dissection, and definitive irradiation. Reexcision of the primary was performed in 330 and residual tumor was identified in 57% of these patients. Margins of resection were assessed in 50% and 257 had final margins of resection that were negative. ⋯ Cosmesis was judged to be good to excellent in 93% of patients in 10 years. These results have been achieved in a series of patients who for the most part have been treated by contemporary standards, that is, pathologic assessment of the axilla in all patients, reexcision in 47%, and adjuvant chemotherapy in 77% of node positive patients. Assessment of resection margins, however, was not performed in all patients (50%) and further follow-up in the group of patients with margin assessment will provide long term information on breast recurrence rate in this group of patients.
Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. · Jul 1991
Results of mastectomy and postoperative irradiation in the management of locoregionally advanced carcinoma of the breast.
Between 1955 and 1984, 376 patients with locoregionally advanced breast carcinoma were treated at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center with mastectomy and irradiation and without adjuvant chemotherapy. ⋯ The DSRFS rates at 10 years for patients with 0, 1-3, and greater than or equal to 4 positive nodes were 63%, 48%, and 30%, respectively. The actuarial locoregional control rates at 10 years exceeded 95% for patients with 0-3 positive nodes and 75% for those with greater than or equal to 4 nodes. These results show that locoregionally advanced breast cancer is not a uniformly fatal disease when treated without chemotherapy and provide a baseline upon which to assess the value of adjuvant systemic therapy for this stage of disease.
Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. · Jul 1991
The significance of the pathology margins of the tumor excision on the outcome of patients treated with definitive irradiation for early stage breast cancer.
To evaluate the significance of the pathology margins of the tumor excision on the outcome of treatment, an analysis was performed of 697 consecutive women with clinical Stage I or II invasive carcinoma of the breast treated with breast-conserving surgery and definitive irradiation. Complete gross excision of the primary tumor was performed in all cases, and an axillary staging procedure was performed to determine pathologic axillary lymph node status. The 697 patients were divided into four groups based on the final pathology margin from the primary tumor excision or from the re-excision if performed. ⋯ Subset analyses did not identify any poor outcome subgroups. These results have demonstrated that selected patients with focally positive or close microscopic pathology margins can be adequately treated with definitive breast irradiation. Patient selection and the technical delivery of radiation treatment including a boost may have been important contributing factors to the good outcome in these patients.
Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. · Jul 1991
Prognosis following local recurrence in the conservatively treated breast cancer patient.
At Yale-New Haven Hospital conservative treatment of early stage breast carcinoma with lumpectomy and radiation therapy has been used with increasing frequency since the 1960s. We have reviewed our experience with specific reference to prognosis following local recurrence. Between January 1962 and December 1984 a total of 433 patients were treated with conservative surgery and radiation therapy using standard techniques. ⋯ By univariate analysis, significant factors associated with survival following local recurrence included extent of local disease at the time of recurrence (p less than .01), time to local recurrence (p less than .03), with later recurrences doing better, and site of local recurrence (p less than .01), with recurrences elsewhere in the breast doing better. We conclude from this large single institutional experience with a median follow-up post-recurrence of over 5 years that patients experiencing a local recurrence in the conservatively treated breast have a relatively favorable prognosis. The prognostic factors correlating with survival and implications regarding adjuvant systemic therapy at the time of local recurrence are discussed.