International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics
Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. · Mar 2003
Class solutions for conformal external beam prostate radiotherapy.
To determine a class solution coplanar plan from comparisons of three-field (3F), four-field (4F), and six-field (6F) plans in conformal non-intensity-modulated prostate radiotherapy. ⋯ The use of appropriate beam arrangements can provide a class solution plan using only 3 fields compared with 4 or 6 fields for the parameters considered. Both 3F (0, 90, 270 degrees ) and 4F (35, 90, 270, 325 degrees ) plans can be used as a class solution plan. Other practical issues that may influence the choice of class solution include delivery time with smaller number of fields, ease of verification, the use of 10-mm multileaf collimation vs. conformal blocks, and field shape fitting limitations when using dynamic wedges.
Although numerous prostate cancer quality-of-life studies have been reported, a paucity of data exists regarding brachytherapy-related dysuria. In this study, we evaluated the incidence and temporal resolution of dysuria, along with the influence of multiple treatment, clinical, and dosimetric parameters. ⋯ After permanent prostate brachytherapy, dysuria is a relatively common event, but only rarely severe in frequency or intensity. At approximately 45 months after brachytherapy, dysuria appears to resolve in almost all patients.
Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. · Mar 2003
Impact of a micromultileaf collimator on stereotactic radiotherapy of uveal melanoma.
To evaluate the impact of a micro multileaf collimator (mMLC) on Linac-based stereotactic radiotherapy (SRT) of uveal melanoma by comparing circular arc with static conformal, dynamic arc, and intensity-modulated SRT. ⋯ Conformal mMLC and dynamic arc SRT are the treatment options of choice for Linac-based SRT of uveal melanoma. They present dosimetric advantages, while being highly efficient in treatment planning and delivery.
Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. · Mar 2003
Review Meta AnalysisMeta-analysis of dose-fractionation radiotherapy trials for the palliation of painful bone metastases.
To compare pain relief among various dose-fractionation schedules of localized radiotherapy (RT) in the treatment of painful bone metastases. ⋯ Meta-analysis of reported randomized trials shows no significant difference in complete and overall pain relief between single and multifraction palliative RT for bone metastases. No dose-response relationship could be detected by including data from the multifraction vs. multifraction trials. Additional data are needed to evaluate the role of re-irradiation and the impact of RT on other treatment end points such as quality of life.
Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. · Mar 2003
Multicenter Study Comparative StudyComparing different NTCP models that predict the incidence of radiation pneumonitis. Normal tissue complication probability.
To compare different normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) models to predict the incidence of radiation pneumonitis on the basis of the dose distribution in the lung. ⋯ The maximum likelihood method revealed that the underlying local dose-effect relation for radiation pneumonitis was linear (the MLD model), rather than a step function (the V(Dth) model). Thus, for the studied patient population, the MLD was the most accurate predictor for the incidence of radiation pneumonitis.