European journal of pediatrics
Brief resolved unexplained events: a new diagnosis, with implications for evaluation and management.
Brief resolved unexplained events (BRUE) are concerning episodes of short duration (typically < 1 min) characterized by a change in breathing, consciousness, muscle tone (hyper- or hypotonia), and/or skin color (cyanosis or pallor). The episodes occur in a normal-appearing infant in the first year of life, self-resolve, and have no readily identifiable explanation for the cause of the event. Previously called apparent life-threatening events (ALTE), the term BRUE was first defined by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in 2016. ⋯ What is Known: • BRUE, first described in 2016, is a diagnosis used to describe a well-appearing infant who presents with change in breathing, consciousness, muscle tone (hyper- or hypotonia), and/or skin color (cyanosis or pallor). • BRUE can be divided into higher- and lower-risk events. Guidelines have been published for lower-risk events, with expert recommendations for higher-risk BRUE. What is New: • BRUE carries a low rate of serious diagnoses (< 5%), with the most common representing seizures and airway abnormalities. • Prior BRUE events are associated with serious diagnoses and episode recurrence.
We report on in-hospital cardiac arrest outcomes in the USA. The data were obtained from the National (Nationwide) Inpatient Sample datasets for the years 2000-2017, which includes data from participating hospitals in 47 US states and the District of Columbia. We included pediatric patients (< 18 years of age) with cardiac arrest, and we excluded patients with no cardiopulmonary resuscitation during the hospitalization. ⋯ Conclusion: We highlighted the survival predictors in these events, which can guide future studies aimed at improving outcomes in pediatric cardiac arrest. What is Known: • In-hospital cardiac arrest occurs in 2-6% of pediatric intensive care admissions. • Cardiac arrests had a significant impact on hospital resources and a significantly high mortality rate. What is New: • Factors associated with higher survival rates in patients with cardiac arrest: admission to teaching hospitals, elective admissions, and week-day admissions. • The use of rescue extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation in refractory cardiac arrest has increased by threefold over the last two decades.
Vitamin D has an immunomodulating property that regulates the inflammatory response. In this study, the aim was to evaluate the relationship between vitamin D levels and clinical severity and inflammation markers in children and adolescents with COVID-19. The clinical and laboratory records of 103 pediatric cases with COVID-19, whose vitamin D levels had been measured, were retrospectively reviewed. ⋯ What is Known: • • The pathology of COVID-19 involves a complex interaction between the SARS-CoV-2 and the immune system. Hyperinflammation/cytokine storm is held responsible for the severity of the disease. • Vitamin D has multiple roles in the immune system that can modulate the body reaction to an infection. What is New: • • Clinically more severe group had significantly lower vit D levels and significantly higher inflammation markers. • Lower 25 OH vit D levels were associated with higher inflammation markers, suggesting an important role of vitamin D in the clinical course of COVID-19 in children and adolescents probably by regulating the systemic inflammatory response.
There has been a drive towards increased digitalisation in healthcare. The aim was to provide a snapshot of current apps, instant messaging, and smartphone photography use in paediatric emergency care. A web-based self-report questionnaire was performed. ⋯ A strategic decision has to be made to either provide staff with institutional devices or use software solutions to address data governance concerns when using personal devices. What is Known: • mHealth use by junior doctors and medical students is widespread. • Clinicians' use of instant messaging apps such as WhatsApp is the widespread in the UK and Ireland, in the absence of alternatives. What is New: • Personal mobile device use was widespread in the absence of alternatives, with the British National Formulary nearly universally downloaded to physicians' personal mobile devices. • A third of respondents used instant messaging and smartphone photography on their personal mobile device when seeking patient management advice from other teams in the absence of alternatives.