European journal of pediatrics
Brief resolved unexplained events: a new diagnosis, with implications for evaluation and management.
Brief resolved unexplained events (BRUE) are concerning episodes of short duration (typically < 1 min) characterized by a change in breathing, consciousness, muscle tone (hyper- or hypotonia), and/or skin color (cyanosis or pallor). The episodes occur in a normal-appearing infant in the first year of life, self-resolve, and have no readily identifiable explanation for the cause of the event. Previously called apparent life-threatening events (ALTE), the term BRUE was first defined by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in 2016. ⋯ What is Known: • BRUE, first described in 2016, is a diagnosis used to describe a well-appearing infant who presents with change in breathing, consciousness, muscle tone (hyper- or hypotonia), and/or skin color (cyanosis or pallor). • BRUE can be divided into higher- and lower-risk events. Guidelines have been published for lower-risk events, with expert recommendations for higher-risk BRUE. What is New: • BRUE carries a low rate of serious diagnoses (< 5%), with the most common representing seizures and airway abnormalities. • Prior BRUE events are associated with serious diagnoses and episode recurrence.
Vitamin D has an immunomodulating property that regulates the inflammatory response. In this study, the aim was to evaluate the relationship between vitamin D levels and clinical severity and inflammation markers in children and adolescents with COVID-19. The clinical and laboratory records of 103 pediatric cases with COVID-19, whose vitamin D levels had been measured, were retrospectively reviewed. ⋯ What is Known: • • The pathology of COVID-19 involves a complex interaction between the SARS-CoV-2 and the immune system. Hyperinflammation/cytokine storm is held responsible for the severity of the disease. • Vitamin D has multiple roles in the immune system that can modulate the body reaction to an infection. What is New: • • Clinically more severe group had significantly lower vit D levels and significantly higher inflammation markers. • Lower 25 OH vit D levels were associated with higher inflammation markers, suggesting an important role of vitamin D in the clinical course of COVID-19 in children and adolescents probably by regulating the systemic inflammatory response.
There has been a drive towards increased digitalisation in healthcare. The aim was to provide a snapshot of current apps, instant messaging, and smartphone photography use in paediatric emergency care. A web-based self-report questionnaire was performed. ⋯ A strategic decision has to be made to either provide staff with institutional devices or use software solutions to address data governance concerns when using personal devices. What is Known: • mHealth use by junior doctors and medical students is widespread. • Clinicians' use of instant messaging apps such as WhatsApp is the widespread in the UK and Ireland, in the absence of alternatives. What is New: • Personal mobile device use was widespread in the absence of alternatives, with the British National Formulary nearly universally downloaded to physicians' personal mobile devices. • A third of respondents used instant messaging and smartphone photography on their personal mobile device when seeking patient management advice from other teams in the absence of alternatives.
We report on in-hospital cardiac arrest outcomes in the USA. The data were obtained from the National (Nationwide) Inpatient Sample datasets for the years 2000-2017, which includes data from participating hospitals in 47 US states and the District of Columbia. We included pediatric patients (< 18 years of age) with cardiac arrest, and we excluded patients with no cardiopulmonary resuscitation during the hospitalization. ⋯ Conclusion: We highlighted the survival predictors in these events, which can guide future studies aimed at improving outcomes in pediatric cardiac arrest. What is Known: • In-hospital cardiac arrest occurs in 2-6% of pediatric intensive care admissions. • Cardiac arrests had a significant impact on hospital resources and a significantly high mortality rate. What is New: • Factors associated with higher survival rates in patients with cardiac arrest: admission to teaching hospitals, elective admissions, and week-day admissions. • The use of rescue extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation in refractory cardiac arrest has increased by threefold over the last two decades.