Numerous previous studies were devoted to the regeneration of motoneurons toward a denervated muscle after nerve repair by self-anastomosis but, to date, few investigations have evaluated the regeneration of sensory muscle endings. In a previous electrophysiological study (Decherchi et al., 2001) we showed that the functional characteristics of tibialis anterior muscle afferents are affected after self-anastomosis of the peroneal nerve even when the neuromuscular preparation was not chronically stimulated. The present study examines the regeneration of groups I-II (mechanosensitive) and groups III-IV (metabosensitive) muscle afferents by evaluating the recovery of their response to different test agents after self-anastomosis combined or not with chronic muscle stimulation for a 10-weeks period. ⋯ Compared to the control group, (1) muscle kept only its original weight in the LSE(b) group, (2) in the LS group the response curve to tendon vibration was shifted toward the highest mechanical frequencies and the response of groups III-IV afferents after fatiguing muscle stimulation lowered, (3) in the LSE(m) group, the pattern of activation of mechanoreceptors by tendon vibrations was altered as in the LS group, and the response of metabosensitive afferents to KCl injections was markedly reduced, (4) in the LSE(b) group, the response to tendon vibration was not modified and the activation of metabosensitive units by increased extracellular potassium chloride concentration was conserved. Both LSE(b) and LSE(m) conditions were ineffective to maintain the post muscle stimulation activation of metabosensitive units as well as their activation by injected lactic acid solutions. Our data indicate that chronic muscle electrostimulation partially favors the recovery of mechano- and metabosensitivity in a denervated muscle and that biphasic modulated currents seem to provide better results.
Spatial learning and synaptic hippocampal plasticity in type 2 somatostatin receptor knock-out mice.
Somatostatin is implicated in a number of physiological functions in the CNS. These effects are elicited through the activation of at least five receptor subtypes. Among them, sst2 receptors appear the most widely expressed in the cortex and hippocampal region. ⋯ Extracellular recordings in the CA1 area showed an enhancement in glutamatergic (AMPA and NMDA) responses in sst2 KO mice which displayed an increase in the magnitude of the short-term potentiation and long-term depression. In contrast, long-term potentiation was not significantly altered. Taken together, these data demonstrate that somatostatin, acting via sst2 hippocampal receptors, may contribute to a global decrease in glutamate efficiency and consequently alter glutamate-dependent plasticity and spatial learning.
Acquisition of a novel behavior induces higher levels of Arc mRNA than does overtrained performance.
Arc (also termed activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein or Arg3.1), is an effector immediate early gene whose upregulation has been demonstrated during events of synaptic plasticity. In the present study, the possibility that Arc would be specifically upregulated in rats during the acquisition of a quickly learned behavioral task but not in overtrained animals was investigated. Three groups of rats, pseudotrained, newly trained and overtrained, were examined with respect to Arc expression following training on a simple operant lever-pressing task. ⋯ From these results we suggest that Arc is upregulated in an experience-dependent manner, with higher levels of induction occurring during the initial stage of learning. Furthermore, the finding of increased Arc levels in slow versus fast learners indicates that Arc expression may be associated with the length of time required to: (1) form new associations or (2) remodel existing connections. These results confirm other reports that Arc is a critical substrate for the synaptic plasticity underlying the acquisition of new behaviors.
One of the essential requirements even in the most ancient life forms is to be able to preserve body fluid medium. In line with such requirement, animals need to perform different behaviors to cope with water shortages. As angiotensin II (ANGII) is involved on a widespread range of functions in vertebrates, including memory modulation, an integrative role, in response to an environmental water shortage, has been envisioned. ⋯ Moreover, nuclear brain NF-kappaB is activated by ANGII, and this effect is reversed by saralasin. Our results constitute the first demonstration in an invertebrate that cognitive functions are modulated by an environmental stimulus through a neuropeptide and give evolutionary support to the role of angiotensins in memory processes. Moreover, these results suggest that angiotensinergic system is preserved across evolution not only in its structure and molecular mechanisms, but also in its capability of coordinating specific adaptative responses.
Bilateral lesions of the ventrolateral caudal periaqueductal gray inhibit lordosis and kyphosis, the postures of female sexual receptivity and maternal nursing that are characterized respectively by dorsoflexion and ventroflexion of the spinal column. These lesions also inhibit the solicitation behaviors that accompany lordosis, but they do not impair retrieval or licking of pups. We tested the hypothesis that reproductive behaviors affected by these lesions are tonically inhibited by activity of the GABA(A) receptor via site-specific manipulations of receptor activity. ⋯ These findings suggest that the reproductive postures of female rats, lordosis and kyphosis, as well as sexual solicitations, are tonically inhibited by the neurotransmitter GABA within the ventrolateral caudal periaqueductal gray in the midbrain. In contrast, retrieval and licking of pups appear to be under separate neurochemical or neuroanatomical control, or both. Further, this tonic inhibition is likely relieved by excitatory somatosensory inputs to this site, from mounting and suckling respectively.