beta-Catenin plays a pivotal role in Wnt signaling during embryogenesis and is a component of adherens junctions. Since targeted disruption of the beta-catenin gene is lethal at gastrulation we have used a D6-Cre mouse line for conditional inactivation of beta-catenin in the mouse cerebral cortex and hippocampus after embryonic day (E) 10.5. ⋯ Severe abnormalities in the organization of the neuroepithelium are observed that include disrupted interkinetic nuclear migration, loss of adherens junctions, impaired radial migration of neurons toward superficial layers and decreased cell proliferation after E15.5. At newborn stage, a premature disassembly of the radial glial scaffold and increased numbers of astrocytes are found in the cortex.
Cannabinoid compounds have been shown to produce antinociception and antihyperalgesia by acting upon cannabinoid receptors located in both the CNS and the periphery. A potential mechanism by which cannabinoids could inhibit nociception in the periphery is the activation of cannabinoid receptors located on one or more classes of primary nociceptive neurons. To address this hypothesis, we evaluated the neuronal distribution of cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1) in the trigeminal ganglion (TG) of the adult rat through combined in situ hybridization (ISH) and immunohistochemistry (IHC). ⋯ In contrast, and consistent with the neuron-size distribution for CB1, nearly 75% of CB1-positive neurons exhibited N52-immunoreactivity, a marker of myelinated axons. These results indicate that in the rat TG, CB1 receptors are expressed predominantly in neurons that are not thought to subserve nociceptive neurotransmission in the noninjured animal. Taken together with the absence of an above background in situ signal for CB2 mRNA in TG neurons, these findings suggest that the peripherally mediated antinociceptive effects of cannabinoids may involve either as yet unidentified receptors or interaction with afferent neuron populations that normally subserve non-nociceptive functions.
Comparative Study
Gender-specific effects of social housing on chronic stress-induced limbic Fos expression.
Stress plays an important role in the development of affective disorders. Women show a higher prevalence for these disorders then men. The course of a depressive episode is thought to be positively influenced by social support. ⋯ Amygdala nuclei were differentially affected by stress, gender and housing conditions. Also the mesolimbic dopaminergic system showed gender specific responses to stress and housing conditions. These results indicate that social support can enhance stress coping in female rats, whereas in males rats, group housing appears to increase the adverse effects of chronic stress, although the neurobiological mechanism is not simply a reduction or enhancement of stress-induced brain activation.
We describe the thorough characterisation of a new transgenic mouse line overexpressing the 695-amino acid isoform of human amyloid precursor protein harbouring the Swedish double familial Alzheimer's disease mutation. This line, referred to as TAS10, exhibits neuropathological features and cognitive deficits that are closely correlated to the accumulation of Abeta in their brain and that are reminiscent of those observed in AD. ⋯ Morphometric studies demonstrate that the synapse to neuron ratio is higher in transgenics than in control mice at 12 months, but this ratio decreases as they age and synapse size increases. Thus, this mouse model exhibits a close correlation of amyloid burden with behavioural deficits and ultrastructural abnormalities and so represents an ideal system to study the mechanisms underlying the impact of amyloid pathology on CNS function.
The role of sympathetic nerves in bone physiology is largely unknown. Recent studies have shown a correlation between sympathectomy and bone remodeling. The present experiments were aimed to study the effects of unilateral sympathectomy on bilateral experimentally induced pulpitis and periapical lesions in the rat maxilla and mandible. ⋯ Significantly more ED1-IR osteoclasts were found in the resorptive lacunae lining the periphery of the periapical lesions on the SCGx side compared with the non-SCGx side (P<0.04) and the controls (P<0.03). The size of the periapical lesions were larger on the SCGx side compared with the non-SCGx side (P<0.03) in the mandible, but not in the maxilla. We conclude that inflammation causes sprouting of NPY-IR nerve fibers and that unilateral removal of the SCG increases both the area of the periapical lesions and the number of osteoclasts in the inflamed region.