These experiments explore the role of 5-HT1A receptors in the regulation of cell proliferation in the dentate gyrus of the intact and adrenalectomized adult rat. Depleting 5-HT with p-chlorophenylalanine (300 mg/kg initially followed by 100 mg/kg/day) or stimulating 5-HT1A receptors with 8-OH-DPAT (1 mg/kg or 2 mg/kg, s.c. injections twice daily) for 14 days had no effect on cell proliferation as measured by Ki-67 or BrdU (5-bromo-3-deoxyuridine) immunocytochemistry in the dentate gyrus. However, combined treatment with p-chlorophenylalanine followed by 8-OH-DPAT significantly increased cell proliferation compared with p-chlorophenylalanine alone. ⋯ The 5-HT1A antagonist WAY-100635 (1.5 mg/kg/day also delivered by osmotic pump) by itself did not alter cell proliferation, confirming that reduced serotonin activity does not change proliferation, but blocked the effect of 8-OH-DPAT. However, WAY-100635 could not block the stimulating action of adrenalectomy cell proliferation. 5-HT1A mRNA expression was not altered in the hippocampus by adrenalectomy. Thus, the effect of adrenalectomy on cell proliferation and survival is not 5-HT1A dependent, despite the interaction between 5-HT1A and corticosterone.
We have localized cannabinoid receptor 2 protein in rat and mouse somatic sensory nervous system, using an antibody that recognizes mouse cannabinoid receptor 2. Little or no cannabinoid receptor 2 immunoreactivity was found in sections of naive rat or mouse dorsal root ganglia or spinal cord. This was in accord with the lack of detectable cannabinoid receptor 2 mRNA in (dorsal root ganglion) neurons by in situ hybridization experiments described in the literature. ⋯ In the peripheral nerve, accumulation of cannabinoid receptor 2 immunoreactivity was seen in nerve sections proximal, but not distal, to the ligation site, suggesting transport down the nerve from the cell bodies. Although convincing cannabinoid receptor 2 immunoreactivity was seen in neither uninjured nor injured dorsal root ganglion neuron cell bodies in tissue sections, expression was detectable in isolated, cultured neurons that had received a prior axotomy in vivo. This clear demonstration of CB(2) receptors on sensory neurons suggests an additional cellular target for CB(2) agonist induced analgesia, at least in neuropathic models.
Taste receptor cells are primary sensory receptors utilized by the nervous system to detect the presence of gustatory stimuli in the oral cavity. These cells are particularly heterogeneous and may be divided into various subtypes based on morphological, histochemical, or physiological criteria. One example is the heterogeneous expression of neuropeptides, such as cholecystokinin and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide. ⋯ More remarkable was the observation that these two peptides displayed almost identical expression patterns with these signal transduction molecules, suggesting that peptides are not randomly expressed with relation to signal transduction molecules. This observation supports the hypothesis that peptides may play roles in transduction. Further physiological exploration will be required to elucidate the nature of these roles.
Neuronal responses to complex prey-like stimuli and rectangles were investigated in the tectum of the salamander Plethodon shermani using extracellular single-cell recording. Cricket dummies differing in size, contrast or movement pattern or a rectangle were moved singly through the excitatory receptive field of a neuron. Paired presentations were performed, in which a reference stimulus was moved inside and the different cricket dummies or the rectangle outside the excitatory receptive field. ⋯ The response properties of tectal neurons at single or paired presentation of stimuli indicate that tectal neurons integrate information across a much larger part of visual space than covered by the excitatory receptive field. The spike number of a tectal neuron and the spatio-temporal extent of its excitatory receptive field are not fixed but depend on the context, i.e. the stimulus type and combination. This dynamic processing corresponds with the selection of the stimuli in the visual orienting behavior of Plethodon investigated in a previous study, and we assume that tectal processing is modulated by top down processes as well as feedback circuitries.
Cocaine-and-amphetamine-regulated-transcript peptides play a role in the modulation of feeding and psychomotor stimulant-like behaviors. The ventral tegmental area and the lateral hypothalamus are likely structures where cocaine-and-amphetamine-regulated-transcript peptides mediate both of these functions. Although lateral hypothalamus inputs to the ventral tegmental area have long been known, the chemical nature of this pathway remains poorly understood. ⋯ Although retrogradely-labeled neurons were seen in the amygdala, locus coeruleus, and raphe nucleus, none of them displayed cocaine-and-amphetamine-regulated-transcript peptide immunoreactivity. Therefore, the hypothalamic projection to the ventral tegmental area provides a substrate whereby cocaine-and-amphetamine-regulated-transcript peptides could mediate the rewarding aspects of feeding and psychomotor stimulant-like behaviors. These findings, combined with the fact that the lateral hypothalamus receives strong inputs from the shell of the nucleus accumbens and ventral pallidum, suggest that these structures are part of integrative functional loops that control reward and appetitive behaviors.