γ-Hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) is used as an effective therapeutic for reducing the hypersomnolence and cataplexy (loss of motor control) of the sleeping disorder, narcolepsy, with an immediate pharmacologic behavioral action of inducing a natural sleep-like state. Despite its clinical use, few studies have examined the cellular actions of this drug on behavioral state-related neurons. Therefore, we monitored GHB-induced responses using calcium imaging within the laterodorsal tegmentum (LDT) and the dorsal raphe (DR), two pontine nuclei important in state and motor control. ⋯ Given the roles played by these nuclei, these actions are consistent with acute pharmacologic effects of GHB: hypotonia and promotion of sleep, including presence of REM, a sub-state of sleep. Differences in GHB-mediated calcium suggest differential regulation of calcium-dependent processes, which may also contribute to functioning of the LDT and DR in state and motor control and the therapeutic pharmacologic actions of GHB, which develop following chronic administration. These findings add to knowledge of cellular actions of GHB and it is hoped that, combined with findings from other studies examining GHB neurotransmission, these data can contribute to development of highly targeted therapeutics at the GABAB receptor for management of human disorders presenting with alterations in motor and arousal control.
Because of its high oxygen demands, neural tissue is predisposed to oxidative stress. Here, our aim was to clarify the cellular localization of antioxidant enzymes in the trigeminal ganglion. We found that the transcriptional factor Sox10 is localized exclusively in satellite glial cells (SGCs) in the adult trigeminal ganglion. ⋯ Moreover, capsaicin induced the cellular demise of primary TRPV1-positive trigeminal ganglion neurons in a dose-dependent manner, and this effect was inhibited by a free radical scavenger and a pancaspase inhibitor. This study delineates the localization of antioxidative stress-related enzymes in the trigeminal ganglion and reveals the importance of the pivotal role of reactive oxygen species in the TRPV1-mediated caspase-dependent cell death of trigeminal ganglion neurons. Therapeutic measures for antioxidative stress should be taken to prevent damage to trigeminal primary sensory neurons in inflammatory pain disorders.
Bradykinin (BK) and its receptors (B1 and B2) may exert a role in the pathophysiology of certain CNS diseases, including epilepsy. In healthy tissues, B2 receptors are constitutively and widely expressed and B1 receptors are absent or expressed at very low levels, but both receptors, particularly B1, are up-regulated under many pathological conditions. Available data support the notion that up-regulation of B1 receptors in brain areas like the amygdala, hippocampus and entorhinal cortex favors the development and maintenance of an epileptic condition. ⋯ In this study, we used two different models to investigate the susceptibility to seizures of B1 knockout (KO) and B2 KO mice. We found that B1 KO are more susceptible to seizures compared with wild-type (WT) mice, and that this may depend on B2 receptors, in that (i) B2 receptors are overexpressed in limbic areas of B1 KO mice, including the hippocampus and the piriform cortex; (ii) hippocampal slices prepared from B1 KO mice are more excitable than those prepared from WT controls, and this phenomenon is B2 receptor-dependent, being abolished by B2 antagonists; (iii) kainate seizure severity is attenuated by pretreatment with a non-peptide B2 antagonist in WT and (more effectively) in B1 KO mice. These data highlight the possibility that B2 receptors may have a role in the responsiveness to epileptogenic insults and/or in the early period of epileptogenesis, that is, in the onset of the molecular and cellular events that lead to the transformation of a normal brain into an epileptic one.
Therapeutic strategies for the fatal neurodegenerative disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) are actually minimally effective on patients' survival and quality of life. Although stem cell therapy has raised great expectations, information on the involved molecular mechanisms is still limited. Here we assessed the efficacy of the systemic administration of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ASC), a previously untested stem cell population, in superoxide-dismutase 1 (SOD1)-mutant transgenic mice, the animal model of familial ALS. ⋯ By examining the spinal cord tissue factors that may prolong neuronal survival, we found a significant up-regulation in levels of glial-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) after ASC treatment. Considering that ASC produce bFGF but not GDNF, these findings indicate that ASC may promote neuroprotection either directly and/or by modulating the secretome of local glial cells toward a neuroprotective phenotype. Such neuroprotection resulted in a strong and long-lasting effect on motor performance and encourages the use of ASC in human pathologies, in which current therapies are not able to maintain a satisfying neurological functional status.
Crush injuries of peripheral nerves typically lead to axonotmesis, axonal damage without disruption of connective tissue sheaths. Generally, human patients and experimental animals recover well after axonotmesis and the favorable outcome has been attributed to precise axonal reinnervation of the original peripheral targets. Here we assessed functionally and morphologically the long-term consequences of facial nerve axonotmesis in rats. ⋯ Morphological analyses showed that the facial motoneurons ipsilateral to injury were innervated by lower numbers of glutamatergic terminals (-15%) and cholinergic perisomatic boutons (-26%) compared with the contralateral non-injured motoneurons. The structural deficits were correlated with functional performance of individual animals and associated with microgliosis in the facial nucleus but not with polyinnervation of muscle fibers. These results support the idea that restricted CNS plasticity and insufficient afferent inputs to motoneurons may substantially contribute to functional deficits after facial nerve injuries, possibly including pathologic conditions in humans like axonotmesis in idiopathic facial nerve (Bell's) palsy.