This study investigated the pattern of adult neurogenesis throughout the brains of three prosimian primate species using immunohistochemical techniques for endogenous markers of this neural process. Two species, Galago demidoff and Perodicticus potto, were obtained from wild populations in the primary rainforest of central Africa, while one species, Lemur catta, was captive-bred. Two brains from each species, perfusion-fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde, were sectioned (50 µm section thickness) in sagittal and coronal planes. ⋯ In addition a temporal migratory stream (TMS), emerging from the temporal horn of the lateral ventricle to supply the piriform cortex and adjacent brain regions with new neurons, was also evident in the three prosimian species. While no Ki-67-immunoreactive cells were observed in the cerebellum, DCX-immunopositive cells were observed in the cerebellar cortex of all three species. These findings are discussed in a phylogenetic context.
In a complex linguistic environment, while speech sounds can greatly vary, some shared features are often invariant. These invariant features constitute so-called abstract auditory rules. Our previous study has shown that with auditory sensory intelligence, the human brain can automatically extract the abstract auditory rules in the speech sound stream, presumably serving as the neural basis for speech comprehension. ⋯ However, MMNs peaked earlier in Chinese speakers than in foreign speakers. Furthermore, Chinese speakers showed different MMN peak latencies for the three deviant types, which paralleled recognition points. These findings indicate that the sensory intelligence for extraction of abstract auditory rules in speech sounds is innate but shaped by language experience.
Mesolimbic dopamine perturbations modulate performance of reward-seeking behavior, with tasks requiring high effort being especially vulnerable to disruption of dopamine signaling. Previous work primarily investigated long-term perturbations such as receptor antagonism and dopamine depletion, which constrain the ability to assess dopamine contributions to effort expenditure in isolation from other behavior events, such as reward consumption. Also unclear is if dopamine is required for both initiation and maintenance when a sequence of multiple instrumental responses is required. ⋯ In contrast, if inhibition was applied only during some bouts, mice increased the number of bouts initiated to earn control levels of reward. Inhibiting dopamine neurons while mice were not responding decreased the probability of initiating an instrumental response but had no effect on the amount of effort exerted over the entire session. We conclude that midbrain dopamine signaling promotes initiation of instrumental responding and maintains motivation to continue ongoing bouts of effortful responses.
Down syndrome (DS), trisomy of human chromosome 21 (Hsa21), is the most common genetic cause of intellectual disability (ID). There are no treatments for the cognitive deficits. The Ts65Dn is a partial trisomy mouse model of DS that shows learning and memory (LM) impairments and other abnormalities relevant to those seen in DS. ⋯ Superimposing protein data onto the molecular pathway defining long-term potentiation (LTP) shows that profiles are consistent with both abnormal LTP in vehicle-treated Ts65Dn and its observed rescue by RO4938581. Lastly, comparing these results with those from Ts65Dn treated, using a different protocol, with the NMDA receptor antagonist, memantine, that also rescues LM impairments, identifies common and divergent responses to the two drugs. Expansion of this approach to include additional drugs and DS models would aid in determining critical protein abnormalities and in identifying cocktails of drugs and/or new drug targets that would be effective in clinical trials for ID in DS.