Accumulating evidence relates finger gnosis (also called finger sense or finger gnosia), the ability to identify and individuate fingers, to cognitive processing, particularly numerical cognition. Multiple studies have shown that finger gnosis scores correlate with or predict numerical skills in children. Neuropsychological cases as well as magnetic stimulation studies have also shown that finger agnosia (defects in finger gnosis) often co-occurs with cognitive impairments, including agraphia and acalculia. ⋯ We also found sex differences in how GMV is associated with finger gnosis. While females showed a more distributed and extensive set of frontal and parietal clusters, males showed two striatal clusters. This study provides the first findings on structural brain features that correlate with finger gnosis.
Action observation can facilitate motor skill learning and lead to a memory trace in motor representations of action. However, it remains unclear whether the action itself or the goal of the action drive changes in motor representations after learning by observation. ⋯ In contrast, observing a sequence of visual cue positions devoid of hand action increases motor cortical excitability in both hemispheres and facilitates motor skill learning in the right hand (Experiment 1) and left hand for a mirror-symmetric sequence (Experiment 2). We propose that the encoding of observed movements maps onto motor representations of the same action to form a limb-specific motor memory, whereas the learning of spatial goals forms memory traces in the motor representations in both hemispheres to prepare for potential action in either hand.
Although numerous studies have shown that brain regions around the intraparietal sulcus play an important role in general mathematical or numerical processing, little is known about the specific neural correlates for processing mathematical principles. In the present study, we compared the activation intensity, multi-voxel activation patterns, and functional connectivity (FC) related to processing mathematical principles (including arithmetic and logic) with those related to arithmetic. Twenty right-handed undergraduates (10 male; aged 18-25 years) participated in the study. ⋯ Results from the univariate, multi-voxel, and functional connectivity analyses consistently revealed that the left angular gyrus, left middle temporal gyrus, and left inferior frontal gyrus were more involved in the processing of mathematical principles than in computation. These regions are connected with the intraparietal sulcus, the core region involved in mathematical processing. As the AG, MTG and orbital part of IFG were key regions of the semantic system, these results provide direct evidence for a crucial role of the semantic system in the processing of mathematical principles.
Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) has been used to investigate networks within the cortex and has also provided some insight into the networks present in the brainstem (BS) and spinal cord (SC). The purpose of this study was to investigate resting-state blood oxygenation-level dependent (BOLD) fluctuations in the BS/SC and to identify resting-state networks (RSNs) across these regions. Resting-state BOLD fMRI data were obtained from the entire BS and cervical SC in 16 healthy participants, at 3 T, with T2-weighted single-shot fast spin-echo imaging. ⋯ The results indicate the presence of a complex resting-state network which is highly interconnected in the spinal cord. Known anatomical connections between cortical and BS regions support the conclusion that the observed resting-state BOLD fluctuations in the BS/SC may be related to autonomic regulation. Future studies are required to further investigate these resting-state BOLD networks.
We have previously shown how the Frontal Pole cortex (FPC) neurons play a unique role in both the monitoring and evaluating of self-generated decisions during feedback in a visually cued strategy task. For each trial of this task, a cue instructed one of two strategies: to either stay with the previous goal or shift to the alternative goal. Each cue was followed by a delay period, then each choice was followed by a feedback. ⋯ This supports the involvement of goal-selective cells in the evaluation of self-generated decisions at the feedback time. We also observed a dynamic change of the correlations in time, indicating that the connections among cell-assemblies were transient, changing between internal states at the feedback time. These results indicate that the changing of the pattern of neural correlations can underlie the flexibility of the prefrontal computations.