Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Randomized trial of radiofrequency lumbar facet denervation for chronic low back pain.
A prospective double-blind randomized trial in 31 patients. ⋯ Radiofrequency lumbar zygapophysial joint denervation results in a significant alleviation of pain and functional disability in a select group of patients with chronic low back pain, both on a short-term and a long-term basis.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Postoperative lumbar microdiscectomy pain. Minimalization by irrigation and cooling.
Seventy patients undergoing de novo lumbar microdiscectomy were prospectively randomized into a control group and a group in which cold intraoperative wound irrigation along with postoperative wound cooling was used. Postoperative analgesia requirements and length of hospital stay were analyzed and correlated. ⋯ Intraoperative and postoperative wound site cooling is a safe, inexpensive, and efficient therapeutic method. It reduces the patients' postoperative pain, promotes earlier ambulation and decreases the length of hospital stay.