A retrospective descriptive casenote review of consecutive back pain claimants assessing claim outcome at 12 months from onset. ⋯ New Zealand's unique accident compensation environment may discourage return to work for people with back pain. New Zealand legislators should assess the impact of the ACC scheme on people with back pain, particularly in light of the recent recommendations of the International Association for the Study of Pain Task Force on Back Pain in the Workplace, that compensation cover for workers with back pain be limited to 6 weeks.
This study was designed to examine the behaviorial immunohistochemical changes of spinal glial cells and spinal Interleukin (IL)-1beta expression after various nerve root injuries used as models of lumbar radiculopathy. ⋯ Direct mechanical and/or chemical injury to lumbar roots in the rat gives rise to pain behavior suggestive of lumbar radiculopathy. The finding that glial activation and enhanced IL-1beta expression are observed in the spinal cord after root injury supports a central, neuroimmune component in the generation of lumbar radiculopathy. A further understanding of the immunologic consequences of root injury may lead to further development and the novel use of selective cytokine-inflammatory inhibitors for the treatment of low back pain associated with radiculopathy.
A radiographic study of the sagittal sacral deformity in spondylolisthesis. ⋯ The entire sacrum in spondylolisthesis can develop a significant kyphotic deformity in the sagittal plane, and this is associated with other abnormalities found in the lumbosacral spine. Sacral deformity is a significant factor in the assessment of the sagittal contour of the patient with L5-S1 spondylolisthesis.
Population-based, cross-sectional mailed survey. ⋯ This study suggests that important associations exist between comorbidities, a past history of neck injury resulting from a motor vehicle collision, and graded neck pain. Importantly, individuals who are significantly disabled by neck pain also have comorbidities that have a moderate or severe impact on their health, suggesting that chronic disorders tend to cluster in some individuals.
An animal study was performed to evaluate lumbar spinal fusion radiologically and mechanically. ⋯ Spinal arthrodesis using interconnected porous hydroxyapatite alone or mixed with bone as graft material reduced segmental motion. It was not, however, as effective as autologous bone graft material in achieving spinal arthrodesis. The sheep model using autologous bone achieved a 100% fusion rate. Because the nonunion rate for a single level in humans may be as high as 40%, the fusion rate with bone/interconnected porous hydroxyapatite in humans may be lower than the 72% found in the sheep model. The little resorption of the radiodense interconnected porous hydroxyapatite granules made the radiologic evaluation of the fusion masses difficult.