Review Case Reports
Primary NK/T-cell lymphoma of the cauda equina: a case report and literature review.
A case report with a review of the literature. ⋯ Although primary lymphoma of the cauda equina is extremely rare, the prognosis of this condition is thought to be poor. Early definitive diagnosis with examination of the cerebrospinal fluid followed by combined treatment with radiotherapy and high-dose methotrexate should be considered.
A case report of a young male suffering progressive neurologic dysfunction associated with a previously unreported combination of structural bony abnormalities. A review of the literature is also presented. ⋯ Posterior deficiencies of the atlas and axis are rare occurrences in isolation, let alone in the 1 patient. This report broadens the radiographic differential diagnosis of patients presenting with cervical myelopathy, which has been associated with congenital posterior C2 anomalies in only a handful of patients. Surgery is an appropriate option for these patients faced with progressive neurologic dysfunction.
Review Case Reports
False-negative transcranial motor-evoked potentials during scoliosis surgery causing paralysis: a case report with literature review.
Case report. ⋯ From our experience of false-negative MEPs, we conclude that unwanted events with use of MEP in scoliosis or other spinal surgeries. We propose further prospective research on animals to solve this issue.
Systematic review of clinical guidelines. ⋯ Compared to the quality assessment performed in 2004, the average quality of guidelines has improved. However, guideline developers should still improve the quality transparency of the development process. Especially the applicability of guidelines and the editorial independence need to be ensured in future guidelines.