Case report. ⋯ We reported a patient with OPLL who had undergone resurgery twice because of myelopathy due to the progression of ossification. It was important to establish a sufficiently longitudinal and transverse decompression, taking the risk of the unexpected progression of ossification into consideration.
Biomechanical analysis of the scoliotic thoracolumbar spine and ribcage using a three-dimensional finite element model. ⋯ Homogeneous reduction in either the disc collagen fiber or ligament stiffness had minimal influence on scoliotic curve reducibility. However, discectomy simulation shows that the intervertebral discs are of critical importance in determining spinal flexibility.
A retrospective clinical study. ⋯ The O-C2 angle has considerable impact on dyspnea and/or dysphagia after O-C fusion. The O-C2 angle is easily measured during surgery and can be a practical index with which to avoid postoperative dyspnea and dysphagia.
A retrospective case series. ⋯ Delayed surgical site infections after spinal instrumentation for deformity need to be treated with implant removal to clear the surgical site infection. Patients may require to undergo repeat instrumentation and fusion at a later date if they develop progressive deformity or symptomatic pseudarthrosis after implant removal.
A systematic review of randomized controlled trials (RCTs). ⋯ There is insufficient evidence to support the use of injection therapy in subacute and chronic low-back pain. However, it cannot be ruled out that specific subgroups of patients may respond to a specific type of injection therapy.