A prospective study. ⋯ Prophylactic bilateral C4/C5 microforaminotomy significantly decreased the incidence of postoperative C5 palsy. These results suggest that the main etiology of C5 palsy was C5 root impairment. However, 2 patients experienced C5 palsy despite undergoing prophylactic foraminotomy, which indicated that other factors including spinal cord impairment after acute decompression against cervical canal stenosis may also be considered as minor etiologies of C5 palsy. We conclude that prophylactic C4/C5 foraminotomy was an effective preventive measure against postoperative C5 palsy after laminoplasty.
Prospective study. ⋯ The midline anterior retroperitoneal approach from the right side is a safe alternative compared with the classical approach from the left side. The low rate of venous injury is explained by the sidewall thickness of the vena cava compared with the left iliac vein sidewall. Contrary to what happens by left-sided approach, the vascular retraction required for access to L4-L5 and above does not lead to arterial occlusion and therefore diminishes the risk in atheromatous patients. The absence of retrograde ejaculation confirms previous studies conducted on the left anastomosis of the superior hypogastric plexus, suggesting that its approach and mobilization by the left side are delicate.
Multicenter Study Comparative Study
Body appearance and quality of life in adult patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis treated with a brace or under observation alone during adolescence.
The Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) brace study (published in the JBJS-A, 1995) was comprised of patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis with moderate curve sizes (25°-35°). Forty observed and 37 braced patients (77% of the original group) attended a follow-up, a mean of 16 years after onset of maturity. ⋯ Patients who experienced less body asymmetry were more satisfied with treatment and had a better quality of life. In spite of similar curve sizes and trunk rotation in both groups, the nonbraced patients felt that their body appearance was less distorted than that of the braced patients.
Prospective cohort study. ⋯ Awkward postures were associated with chronic LBP in the general population. Exposure to awkward postures at 2 measurements with 5 years in between did increase the risk for incident chronic LBP, but not for persistence of chronic LBP.
An in vitro study of the wear rates of the CHARITÉ lumbar total disc replacement (TDR). ⋯ The addition of anterior-posterior shear to wear testing inputs of the CHARITÉ lumbar TDR increases the wear rate significantly, which is in direct contrast to the previous 5-DOF testing on the ProDisc. This study highlights the importance of clinically relevant testing regimens, and that test inputs may be different for dissimilar design philosophies.