Retrospective chart review. ⋯ Perceived association with infection should not influence the surgeon in bone graft choice for spinal fusion. There is a lack of scientific evidence to recommend for or against routine cultures on allograft implantation in the literature. Our results strongly underline the pertinence of larger multicenter clinical trials to assess the pertinence of peroperative allograft bone culture.
Prospective case series and radiographical analysis. ⋯ This study reports the novel auto-correction of subaxial abnormalities after treatment of the primary upper cervical deformity and delineates the relationship between these 2 occurrences, thus demonstrating the reversibility of such complex abnormalities. Furthermore, the clinical outcomes after surgical treatment of swan neck deformities secondary to atlantoaxial dislocation are favorable and associated with a low complication rate.
Case control study. ⋯ In this limited series, 265 pedicle screws were placed in 33 patients 10 years or younger with 0.75% of pedicle screws resulting in a complication. The rates of screw malposition revealed on computed tomographic scan were similar to those of adolescent children. These data support the use of pedicle screws in children 10 years or younger for the treatment of complex spinal deformity.
Retrospective observational cohort analysis of administrative claims. ⋯ Readmission rates for spinal stenosis decompression were approximately 8% to 10% per year. Fusion at the index procedure did not protect against subsequent readmission. Large databases can inform choice of surgical options by focusing examination on indications for surgery and reasons for readmission. Fusion along with decompression does not seem to impact readmission rates.