Prospective cohort study. ⋯ Postoperative STS is a self-limiting process. The magnitude of STS during the postoperative period does not seem to influence the development of chronic dysphagia.
Case control study. ⋯ Cervical motion segment contributions to flexion-extension change significantly during the flexion-extension motion. The largest change in percent contribution to motion, relative to controls, occurs at the C6-C7 motion segment, over the entire ROM, suggesting a potential mechanical mechanism for the clinical observation of increased incidence of adjacent segment degeneration at C6-C7 rather than at C4-C5 after C5-C6 arthrodesis.
A cross-sectional study. ⋯ Reduction of AAS has a negative effect on the oropharyngeal airway space. Therefore, reduction of AAS during occipitocervical fusion may cause postoperative dysphagia despite maintenance of the O-C2A.
Review Case Reports
What is the effect of surgery on the quality of life of the adolescent with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis? A review and statistical analysis of the literature.
Review and statistical analysis of studies evaluating the effect of surgery on the health-related quality of life of adolescents with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, using Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) outcomes. ⋯ Evidence suggests that surgery can lead to clinically important improvement in patient self-image. Surgeons and patients should be aware of the limited evidence for improvements in domains other than self-image after surgery. Surgical decision-making will also be influenced by the natural history of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Observational Study
Relationship between lumbar spinal stenosis and lifestyle-related disorders: a cross-sectional multicenter observational study.
A cross-sectional multicenter observational study. ⋯ After adjusting for age and sex, this study revealed a close association between diabetes and hypertension in 50- to 69-year-old patients with LSS. Physicians should consider the possibility of concomitant hypertension or diabetes mellitus when examining 50- to 69-year-old patients with LSS.