Cross-sectional database study. ⋯ This algorithm measures spinopelvic parameters on lateral lumbar radiographs with comparable accuracy to surgeons. The algorithm could be used to streamline clinical workflow or perform large scale studies of spinopelvic parameters.Level of Evidence: 3.
Multicenter Study
Effects of Preoperative Motor Status on Intraoperative Motor-evoked Potential Monitoring for High-risk Spinal Surgery: A Prospective Multicenter Study.
Prospective multicenter observational study. ⋯ In high-risk spinal surgery, Tc-MEPs collected with multi-channel monitoring had significantly lower specificity in cases with preoperative severe motor deficit. Distal muscles had a higher waveform derivation rate and the AH muscle had the highest rate, regardless of the severity of motor deficit preoperatively.Level of Evidence: 3.
Randomized clinical study. ⋯ It was determined that both the combined physiotherapy program and the MRT application in addition to the combined physiotherapy program have a positive effect on pain, disability level, and quality of life in patients with chronic low back pain.Level of Evidence: 2.
A retrospective cross-sectional study. ⋯ Mobile SI joint may be the cause of increased PI in the aging spine. The dynamic change of PI is etiology-independent if the SI joint was not fused. Older patients have greater position-related change of PI.Level of Evidence: 4.
Improvement in SRS-22R Self-Image Correlate Most with Patient Satisfaction after 3-Column Osteotomy.
Longitudinal cohort. ⋯ There was statistically significant improvement in all PROMs and radiographic parameters, except coronal vertical axis at 2 years in ASD patients undergoing 3CO. Improvement in SRS Self-Image domain has the strongest correlation with patient satisfaction.Level of Evidence: 3.