Retrospective case series. ⋯ Bundled payment models utilize wage index and diagnosis-related groups to determine reimbursement of ACDF. However, machine learning algorithms identified additional variables, such as hospital volume, readmission, and patient age, that are also important for determining the cost of care. Machine learning can improve cost-effectiveness and reduce the financial burden placed upon physicians and hospitals by implementing patient-specific reimbursement.
Multicenter Study
Transcranial Motor-evoked Potentials for Intraoperative Nerve Root Monitoring during Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery: A Prospective Multicenter Study.
A prospective, multicenter study. ⋯ Nerve root injuries in our ASD cohort were partially predictable using multichannel Tc-MEPs with a 70% decrease in amplitude as an alarm threshold. We propose that future research should evaluate the efficacy of an idealized warning threshold (e.g., 50%) and a more detailed evoked muscle selection, in reducing false negatives.
Retrospective cohort study. ⋯ Despite a population with greater comorbidity and associated risk, outcomes remained consistent between early and later time periods, indicating general improvements in care. The later cohort demonstrated fewer three-column osteotomies, less suboptimal realignments, and concomitant reductions in adverse events and neurological complications. This may suggest a greater facility with less invasive techniques.
Observational Study
Anatomical Characteristics and Variations of Thoracic Segmental Arteries with 3-dimensional CT Analysis.
Observational study using retrospective contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) analysis. ⋯ The distribution of the segmental arteries was asymmetrical and varied depending on the vertebral level. In the upper to middle thoracic, segmental arteries ran at every position of the vertebral body due to their longitudinal nature and the presence of multiple segmental arteries within a single vertebra, especially in T5-7. The results of this study provide critical information for thoracic spine surgery.
Retrospective cohort analysis. ⋯ 3.