Pedicle Screw Plowing in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: How Common Is It and Is It a Problem?
Multicenter retrospective review. ⋯ Pedicle screw plowing occurred in 4.5% of AIS patients, especially in those skeletally immature and with decreased implant density. Plowing commonly occurred in the cranial direction and was associated with LOC, particularly at the LIV.Level of Evidence: 3.
Multiround wiki-based Delphi expert panel survey. ⋯ These 27 LBP clinical indicators can be used by healthcare consumers, clinicians, researchers, policy makers/ funders, and insurers to guide and monitor the provision of "appropriate care" for LBP.Level of Evidence: 4.
A cross-sectional study. ⋯ 4.
Animal experiment: a mouse model of intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration induced by deletion of apolipoprotein E (apoE). ⋯ N/A.