Skeletal radiology
Review Case Reports
Luxatio erecta of the hip: a critical retrospective.
The term "luxatio erecta" has been borrowed from the shoulder to identify rare traumatic hip dislocations in which there is inferior dislocation of the femoral head and inversion of the femoral shaft. A review of the literature is presented along with an additional illustrative case. The mechanism of injury, and the radiological and physical appearance of the patient, indicate that there are two subtypes of dislocation hitherto lumped together under the single term.
We describe an unusual cortical avulsion fracture off the medial tibial plateau of the knee associated with tears of the posterior cruciate ligament and the medical meniscus. This constellation of findings is the reverse of that seen with the Segond injury complex. We postulate that the plain film diagnosis of this fracture, like the Segond fracture, is a clue to the likely presence of associated ligamental and meniscal tears, and to the mechanism of injury.