Skeletal radiology
Ultrasound is an established modality for the evaluation of neuromas, particularly Morton's neuromas. It has also had success in the assessment of amputation stump neuromas. While ultrasound localization for steroid injection has proven useful in the conservative treatment of Morton's neuromas, it has not yet been established as a localization technique for steroid injection to successfully treat amputation stump neuromas.
We present a case of a hibernoma arising from the left axilla in a 24-year-old woman. The imaging characteristics on both contrast-enhanced CT (attenuation similar to surrounding skeletal muscle) and T1-weighted MR imaging (signal intensity intermediate between those of skeletal muscle and subcutaneous fat) were inconsistent with a fatty mass. ⋯ Although hibernomas classically contain brown fat, imaging characteristics on T1-weighted images typically demonstrate a mass that is hypointense to adjacent subcutaneous fat. Knowledge of its MR imaging characteristics may help to suggest hibernoma in the preoperative diagnosis, although other tumors should still be considered in the differential diagnosis