Skeletal radiology
To retrospectively analyze magnetic resonance (MR) findings in patients with popliteal arterial entrapment syndrome. ⋯ The gastrocnemius medial head anomaly was the cause of PAES, and PAES was classified by medial head anomaly. However the gastrocnemius lateral head anomaly was also the cause of PAES, and most cases of gastrocnemius lateral head anomaliy showed aberrant accessory slip which entrapped the popliteal artery and vein.
The purpose of this study was to highlight the critical role that MRI may play in diagnosing unsuspected lower extremity deep venous thrombosis and to stress the importance of scrutinizing MRI studies of the lower extremity showing apparently non-specific muscle edema for any evidence of intramuscular venous thrombosis. ⋯ Intramuscular venous thrombosis can present as marked edema-like muscle changes on MRI, simulating primary musculoskeletal conditions. In the absence of clinical suspicion for deep venous thrombosis, only the identification of rim-enhancing branching intramuscular tubular structures will allow the correct diagnosis to be made.