Skeletal radiology
Review Case Reports
Empty toe phenomenon: a big problem for a little toe.
The authors present a case report and review of the sparse literature of a rare closed degloving injury to the toe, referred to by Flaherty as an "empty toe phenomenon." A 25-year-old man sustained a twisting injury to his left foot when he was involved in a motorcycle accident. The skin was not lacerated around the toe but on physical exam it appeared that part of the toe was empty of its bony contents.
Injury to a tendon leads to alterations in the mechanical properties of the tendon. Axial-strain sonoelastography and shear-wave elastography are relatively new, real-time imaging techniques that evaluate the mechanical properties of tendons in addition to the existing morphological and vascular information that is obtained with traditional imaging tools. Axial-strain sonoelastography displays the subjective distribution of strain data on an elastogram caused by tissue compression, whereas shear-wave elastography provides a more objective, quantitative measure of the intrinsic tissue elasticity using the acoustic push-pulse. ⋯ Possible barriers to the dissemination of axial-strain sonoelastography technique include operator dependency, technical limitations such as artefacts and lack of reproducibility and quantification of sonoelastography data. Shear-wave elastography may improve the reproducibility of elastography data, although there is only one published study on the topic to date. Large-scale longitudinal studies are needed to further elucidate the clinical relevance and potential applications of axial-strain sonoelastography and shear-wave elastography in diagnosing, predicting, and monitoring the progress of tendon healing before they can be widely adopted into routine clinical practice.
Multicenter Study Controlled Clinical Trial
Pain course in conservatively treated patients with back pain and a VCF on the spine radiograph (VERTOS III).
Little is known about the natural course of pain from vertebral compression fractures (VCF). In this study we evaluated the pain course in conservatively treated patients with back pain and a VCF on the spine radiograph. ⋯ More than half of conservatively treated patients with back pain and VCF had sufficient pain relief at 12 months with most pain decrease in the first 3 months. However, a substantial proportion of patients still reported disabling pain. There were no predictors for the development of chronic pain. Patients with continuing pain ≥3 months after diagnosis of VCF may be candidates for vertebroplasty.