Behavioural processes
Behavioural processes · Jun 2007
Rapid acquisition of preference in concurrent schedules: effects of reinforcement amount.
Four pigeons were trained on concurrent variable-interval 30-s schedules. Relative reinforcer amounts arranged across the two alternatives were varied across sessions according to a pseudorandom binary sequence [cf., Hunter, I., Davison, M., 1985. Determination of a behavioral transfer function: white-noise analysis of session-to-session response-ratio dynamics on concurrent VI schedules. ⋯ After approximately 30 sessions, response ratios for all pigeons began to track the changes in amount ratio (i.e., subjects' responding showed a moderate increase in sensitivity of responding to reinforcer amount). Characteristics of responding were similar to procedures in which reinforcer rate and immediacy have been manipulated, although sensitivity estimates for amount were lower than those previously obtained with rate and immediacy. This procedure may serve as a useful method for studying the effects of certain environmental manipulations (e.g., drug administration) on sensitivity to reinforcer amount.