World journal of surgery
World journal of surgery · Nov 2006
Meta Analysis Comparative StudyOutcomes following laparoscopic versus open repair of incisional hernia.
The purpose of this study was to compare short- and long-term outcomes for patients undergoing laparoscopic or open surgery for incisional hernia repair using meta-analytical techniques. ⋯ Laparoscopic incisional hernia repair was associated with a reduced length of stay and lower wound infection rate. The impact on post-operative quality of life and financial implications needs further prospective, validated evaluation.
World journal of surgery · Nov 2006
Randomized Controlled TrialCombined low pressure pneumoperitoneum and intraperitoneal infusion of normal saline for reducing shoulder tip pain following laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
Intraabdominal CO(2) gas after laparoscopic cholecystectomy causes postoperative shoulder-tip pain. Many methods of analgesia have been used to reduce this pain, including analgesic drugs, intraperitoneal local anesthetic, intraperitoneal saline, a gas drain, heated gas, low-pressure gas, and nitrous oxide pneumoperitoneum. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of combined low-pressure CO(2) pneumoperitoneum and intraperitoneal infusion of normal saline in reducing the incidence of postoperative shoulder-tip pain. ⋯ Low-pressure CO(2) pneumoperitoneum reduces the number of patients complaining of shoulder-tip pain and the intensity of the pain after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The addition of intraperitoneal normal saline infusion to low-pressure CO(2) pneumoperitoneum seems to reduce the intensity but not the frequency of shoulder-tip pain after laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
The aim of this study was to analyze the features of patients with goiter who underwent thyroidectomy via a cervical incision and a median sternotomy in Khartoum. ⋯ A long-standing goiter with deep (below the aortic knuckle) mediastinal extension and tracheal space compromise can be postulated to increase the likelihood of sternotomy.
World journal of surgery · Nov 2006
Cervical epidural anesthesia: a safe alternative to general anesthesia for patients undergoing cancer breast surgery.
General anesthesia (GA) is the standard anesthesia for patients undergoing modified radical mastectomy (MRM) for breast cancer. Cervical epidural anesthesia (CEA) is practiced less often because of its reported complications. This prospective study aimed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of CEA as an anesthetic technique for MRM. ⋯ Cervical epidural anesthesia is a safe alternative to GA and was preferred by our patients because of its lower cost and reduced perioperative morbidity.
World journal of surgery · Nov 2006
Effect of portocaval shunt on residual extreme small liver after extended hepatectomy in porcine.
When residual liver volume is extremely small after extended hepatectomy, postoperative hepatic failure may ensue. The cause of the hepatic failure is likely associated with the portal hypertension after hepatectomy. We investigated the effects of portocaval shunt on portal hypertension in producing sinusoidal microcirculatory injury after extended hepatectomy in pigs. ⋯ These results indicate that, after extended hepatectomy, overload of portal flow is one of the most significant risk factors of hepatic failure by sinusoidal microcirculatory injury.