World journal of surgery
World journal of surgery · Nov 2016
Comparative StudyInjury Characteristics and Outcomes in Elderly Trauma Patients in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Traumatic injury in the elderly is an emerging global problem with an associated increase in morbidity and mortality. This study sought to describe the epidemiology of elderly injury and outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa. ⋯ Elderly trauma in a resource-poor area in sub-Saharan Africa is associated with a significant increase in hospital admissions and mortality. Significant improvements in trauma systems, pre-hospital care, and hospital capacity for older, critically ill patients are imperative.
World journal of surgery · Nov 2016
Review Meta AnalysisAutologous but not Fibrin Sealant Patches for Stump Coverage Reduce Clinically Relevant Pancreatic Fistula in Distal Pancreatectomy: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
Postoperative pancreatic fistula (POPF) causes significant morbidity and mortality after distal pancreatectomy. Patch coverage of the pancreatic stump is often used with the intention to prevent POPF. Despite numerous investigations, the effects of patch coverage remain unclear. The present meta-analysis aims to clarify the effects of patch coverage in distal pancreatectomy on the incidence of POPF. ⋯ Patch coverage after distal pancreatectomy can reduce the rate of POPF. Patch coverage with autologous vascularized tissue but not fibrin sealant patches may be used to reduce clinically relevant POPF and postoperative morbidity in distal pancreatectomy.
World journal of surgery · Nov 2016
Levetiracetam Prophylaxis for Post-traumatic Brain Injury Seizures is Ineffective: A Propensity Score Analysis.
Early seizures after severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) have a reported incidence of up to 15 %. Prophylaxis for early seizures using 1 week of phenytoin is considered standard of care for seizure prevention. However, many centers have substituted the anticonvulsant levetiracetam without good data on the efficacy of this approach. Our hypothesis was that the treatment with levetiracetam is not effective in preventing early post-traumatic seizures. ⋯ In this propensity score-matched cohort analysis, levetiracetam prophylaxis was ineffective in preventing seizures as the rate of seizures was similar whether patients did or did not receive the drug. The incidence of post-traumatic seizures in severe TBI patients was only 2.0 % in this study; therefore we question the benefit of routine prophylactic anticonvulsant therapy in patients with TBI.
The aim of this study was to determine the extent and nature of workplace bullying among General Surgery trainees and consultants in Australia. ⋯ Despite increased awareness and interventions, workplace bullying remains a significant problem within General Surgery in Australia. The findings in this study serve as a baseline for future questionnaires to monitor the effectiveness of implemented anti-bullying interventions.