Intensive care medicine
To evaluate arterial lactate levels during treatment of acute severe asthma (ASA) and the prognostic value of arterial hyperlactatemia in ASA. ⋯ This study suggests that, in ASA, arterial hyperlactatemia is frequently present on admission to the ICU. Delayed hyperlactatemia is a constant finding during treatment of ASA. Initial or delayed hyperlactatemia seems of no prognostic value because none of the patients required mechanical ventilation. The effects of therapy for acute asthma on lactate metabolism still need to be studied.
Intensive care medicine · Apr 1998
Comparative StudyIntensive care training and specialty status in Europe: international comparisons. Task Force on Educational issues of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine.
To describe current arrangements for postgraduate training and speciality status for intensive care medicine in Europe, and to compare these with three other geographical regions: the Middle East, North America, and Australia and New Zealand. ⋯ There is substantial support for multidisciplinary training in ICM, as demonstrated by collaborative interspeciality developments in many countries. We propose that these national developments should be strengthened within Europe by the recognition of 'supra-speciality' status for ICM by the European Commission, and by the establishment of a multidisciplinary Board for training in ICM, with international agreement on core competencies and duration of training programmes, and a common approach to the assessment of competence through formal examination.
Intensive care medicine · Apr 1998
Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid characteristics of early intermediate and late phases of ARDS. Alterations in leukocytes, proteins, PAF and surfactant components.
To determine the concentration of proteins and phospholipids, markers of inflammatory reaction such as platelet-activating factor (PAF), and cell alterations in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid during the evolution of the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). ⋯ Total surfactant phospholipids, surfactant components, and inflammatory markers such as PAF, cells, and proteins were affected in patients with ARDS. These factors, undergoing quantitative alterations during the course of ARDS, could have a significant role in the pathogenesis and evolution of ARDS.
Intensive care medicine · Apr 1998
Predictive value of interleukin 6 (IL-6), interleukin 8 (IL-8) and gastric intramucosal pH (pH-i) in major abdominal surgery.
To study plasma concentrations of interleukin 6 (IL-6) and interleukin 8 (IL-8) in patients with splanchnic hypoxia, as documented by gastric intramucosal measurements (pH-i), during major abdominal surgery and the relationship between IL-6 and IL-8 concentrations and postoperative complications as well as clinical outcome. ⋯ Intraoperative splanchnic ischemia, as documented by gastric intramucosal pH-i, is directly correlated to the increase of IL-6 plasma levels and to the incidence of postoperative complications, while IL-8 levels showed no correlation with surgical complications.
Intensive care medicine · Apr 1998
Case ReportsSevere hyperthermia during tetrabenazine therapy for tardive dyskinesia.
We recently observed a 45-year-old patient with a history of psychiatric illness who presented with severe hyperthermia (rectal temperature above 41 degrees C) with intense rhabdomyolysis and liver cytolysis during tetrabenazine therapy for neuroleptic tardive dyskinesia. In addition to tetrabenazine, this patient took lorazepam and two antidepressant drugs: clomipramine, a potent serotonin-reuptake inhibitor, and mianserin. Hyperthermia responded to parenteral sodium dantrolene and oral bromocriptine administration. The significant role of tetrabenazine (a central nervous system dopamine-depleting drug) and the contribution of antidepressants to the mechanism of this neuroleptic malignant syndrome - like hyperthermia are discussed.