Clinical therapeutics
Clinical therapeutics · Sep 2014
ReviewManagement of recent-onset sustained atrial fibrillation: pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic strategies.
Recent studies have highlighted significant variations in the management of recent-onset sustained atrial fibrillation (AF). We aim to provide a succinct and clear management algorithm for physicians treating patients with recent-onset sustained AF. ⋯ Despite the highly heterogeneous clinical presentations, management of recent-onset sustained AF must include stroke risk assessment, appropriate anticoagulation, and follow-up care in all patients beyond optimum rate and rhythm control strategies.
Clinical therapeutics · Sep 2014
ReviewManaging antithrombotic therapy in patients with both atrial fibrillation and coronary heart disease.
Atrial fibrillation (AF) and coronary heart disease (CHD) commonly occur together. Previous consensus guidelines were published before the wide availability of novel oral anticoagulants (NOACs) and newer P2Y12 antiplatelet agents. We examine recent evidence to guide management in 3 categories of patients with AF and CHD: patients with stable CHD, nonstented patients with recent acute coronary syndrome, and patients with a coronary stent requiring dual-antiplatelet therapy. ⋯ Available clinical trials and registries provide remarkably little evidence to guide difficult clinical decision making in patients with combined AF and CHD. In patients on triple antithrombotic therapy with vitamin K antagonists, aspirin, and clopidogrel, a single clinical trial indicates that withdrawal of aspirin may reduce bleeding risk without increasing the risk of coronary thrombosis. It is unclear whether this evidence applies to combinations of NOACs and newer P2Y12 inhibitors. Clinical trials of combinations of the newer antithrombotic agents are urgently needed to guide clinical care.
Clinical therapeutics · Sep 2014
Effects of empiric antifungal therapy for septic shock on time to appropriate therapy for Candida infection: a pilot study.
Inappropriate initial therapy for Candida-related septic shock is common and associated with a high mortality rate. This before-after pilot study was conducted to determine the feasibility of using empiric therapy for reducing the time to appropriate antifungal therapy in patients with Candida-related septic shock. ⋯ The present pilot study demonstrated that the use of empiric antifungal therapy for Candida-related septic shock was associated with a statistically shorter time to administration of appropriate treatment. identifier.
Clinical therapeutics · Sep 2014
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Comparative StudyHealth economic evaluation of patients treated for nosocomial pneumonia caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: secondary analysis of a multicenter randomized clinical trial of vancomycin and linezolid.
Results from studies comparing health care resource use (HCRU), costs of treatment, and cost-effectiveness of linezolid compared with vancomycin therapy in the treatment of hospitalized patients with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) nosocomial pneumonia are limited in the published literature. We therefore conducted an analysis to compare the HCRU, costs of treatment, and cost-effectiveness of linezolid compared with vancomycin in the treatment of hospitalized patients with MRSA nosocomial pneumonia using data from a Phase IV clinical trial. The economic effect of moderate to severe adverse events (MSAEs) and the development of renal failure were also evaluated. ⋯ This phase 4 clinical trial conducted in patients with MRSA-confirmed nosocomial pneumonia reveals that linezolid- compared with vancomycin-treated patients had similar HCRU and total overall costs. Fewer patients developed renal failure during the study while taking linezolid compared with vancomycin, and patients with a documented MSAE or renal failure had increased HCRU and costs. In summary, linezolid may be a cost-effective treatment strategy in MRSA-confirmed nosocomial pneumonia.
Clinical therapeutics · Sep 2014
Randomized Controlled Trial Pragmatic Clinical TrialPrimary care-based, pharmacist-physician collaborative medication-therapy management of hypertension: a randomized, pragmatic trial.
A collaborative pharmacist-primary care provider (PharmD-PCP) team approach to medication-therapy management (MTM), with pharmacists initiating and changing medications at separate office visits, holds promise for the cost-effective management of hypertension, but has not been evaluated in many systematic trials. The primary objective of this study was to examine blood pressure (BP) control in hypertensive patients managed by a newly formed PharmD-PCP MTM team versus usual care in a university-based primary care clinic. ⋯ A PharmD-PCP collaborative MTM service was more effective in lowering BP than was usual care at 6 months in all patients and at 9 months in patients who continued to see the pharmacist. Incorporating pharmacists into the primary care team may be a successful strategy for managing medication therapy, improving patient outcomes and possibly extending the capacity of primary care. identifier: NCT01973556.