Revista de neurologia
Revista de neurologia · Mar 2012
Letter Review Case Reports[Spontaneous epidural haematoma, an infrequent cause of cervicodorsal pain].
Revista de neurologia · Mar 2012
[Description of a series of cases of hypnic headache. Differentiation between sexes].
Hypnic headache is an infrequent type of primary headache characterised by appearing almost exclusively during sleep and by waking the patient up. The pain is dull (generally bilateral), is not associated to autonomic signs and usually appears from the age of 50 onwards. ⋯ The pain in hypnic headaches is more intense in males, although this needs to be corroborated in longer series. Further advances need to be made in the pathophysiology of this kind of headache so as to be able to find more efficient preventive pharmacological agents.