Revista de neurologia
Revista de neurologia · Dec 2013
Multicenter Study[Personality traits in patients with migraine: a multi-centre study using the Salamanca screening questionnaire].
Psychiatric comorbidity is frequent in cases of migraine and research has focused more on that related to affective disorders and anxiety than to personality traits. ⋯ Some of the personality traits that can be detected with the Salamanca questionnaire are very common in patients with migraine. In our series, the anankastic trait is related with the presence of chronic migraine.
Revista de neurologia · Dec 2013
Case Reports[Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis: two paediatric cases].
Encephalitis associated to anti-N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antibodies is an autoimmune neurological pathology that has been reported increasingly more frequently in the paediatric population in recent years. We report two cases from our own experience with similar clinical pictures. ⋯ Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis is a treatable disorder and early diagnosis and treatment are crucial, since this improves the prognosis and diminishes the chances of relapses.