Comparative Study
Iris nevus growth into melanoma: analysis of 1611 consecutive eyes: the ABCDEF guide.
To determine clinical features predictive of growth of iris nevus into melanoma. ⋯ In an analysis of 1611 cases of iris nevus referred for evaluation at an ocular oncology center, growth into melanoma occurred in 8% by 15 years. Risk factors for growth, identified by ABCDEF included Age young, Blood (hyphema), Clock hour inferior, Diffuse configuration, Ectropion uveae, and Feathery tumor margin.
Comparative Study
The impact of an electronic health record transition on a glaucoma subspecialty practice.
To assess the impact of an electronic health record (EHR) on patient experience, physician behavior, and clinic workflow in a glaucoma subspecialty clinic. ⋯ There were changes in the physician-patient encounter that manifested within 2 weeks of EHR transition and then stabilized, suggesting that although an EHR transition is not without consequences, these can be measured early. Some of these findings, such as increased time dedicated to the clinical examination and the lack of change in patient perception after the switch, were unexpected. This study supports the contention that EHR implementation can be accomplished in an ophthalmology practice without compromising the efficiency of or patient satisfaction with the clinical encounter.
Comparative Study
Effect of lateral decubitus position on intraocular pressure in glaucoma patients with asymmetric visual field loss.
To investigate the effect of the lateral decubitus position (LDP) on intraocular pressure (IOP) in glaucoma patients with asymmetric visual field loss. ⋯ This study showed that IOP-elevation asymmetry in LDP is associated with asymmetric visual field loss in glaucoma patients. The LDP, habitually preferred by glaucoma patients, also may be associated with asymmetric visual field damage.
Comparative Study
Predictors of matching in an ophthalmology residency program.
To examine the characteristics of US medical students applying for ophthalmology residency and to determine the predictors of matching. ⋯ The majority of applicants applying for an ophthalmology residency position match successfully. Higher performance on quantitative metrics seems to confer an advantage for matching. The majority of applicants match at a residency program within the same geographic region as one's medical school.