International journal of epidemiology
We describe trends from 1951 to 2006 in inequalities in mortality between the indigenous (Māori) and non-indigenous (non-Māori, mainly European-descended) populations of New Zealand. We relate these trends to the historical context in which they occurred, including major structural adjustment of the economy from the mid 1980s to the mid 1990s, followed by a retreat from neoliberal social and economic policies from the late 1990s onwards. This was accompanied by economic recovery and the introduction of health reforms, including a reorientation of the health system towards primary health care. ⋯ Our results are consistent with a causal association between changing economic inequalities and changing health inequalities between ethnic groups. However, causality cannot be established from a historical analysis alone. Three lessons nevertheless emerge from the New Zealand experience: the lag between changes in ethnic social inequality and ethnic health inequality may be short (<5 years); both changes in the distribution of the social determinants of health and an appropriate health system response may be required to address ethnic health inequalities; and timely monitoring of ethnic health inequalities, based on high-quality ethnicity data, may help to sustain political commitment to pro-equity health and social policies.
Multicenter Study
Mortality of HIV-infected patients starting potent antiretroviral therapy: comparison with the general population in nine industrialized countries.
Mortality in HIV-infected patients has declined substantially with combination antiretroviral therapy (ART), but it is unclear whether it has reached that of the general population. We compared mortality in patients starting ART in nine countries of Europe and North America with the corresponding general population, taking into account their response to ART. ⋯ In industrialized countries, the mortality experience of HIV-infected patients who start ART and survive the first 6 months continues to be higher than in the general population, but for many patients excess mortality is moderate and comparable with patients having other chronic conditions. Much of the excess mortality might be prevented by earlier diagnosis of HIV followed by timely initiation of ART.
Comment Comparative Study
Commentary: How does 'insurance' improve equity in health?